Operator Sam


Honestly, as long as they don’t force or “request” anyone to work on that day, I don’t see a problem with it.

I enjoy this trend of Jason announcing delayed games.

Pewdiepie isn’t a racist by any stretch of the imagination. I’ve never heard him say anything that shows he honestly thinks whites are superior to other races.

This reminds me of a Christopher Livingston article.

There’s enough momentum that a large movement of youtubers could shift a fairly large audience.

I’m not saying this was an unforeseen risk, I’m saying it’s unfair and hopefully should be fixed.


Large numbers of LBGTQ people, people reporting unsavory news (terrorist attacks, human rights violations), and even people with the words “stupid,” “dumb,” and “idiot” in the title have all gotten demonetized. It’s far more people than racists being affected here.

The problem is, this isn’t brands pulling their ads from racist videos, this is them pulling ads from the ENTIRE SITE. Hundreds of youtubers who make their living on that site have seen their income drastically go down through no fault of their own.

As far as I’ve seen, nobody’s arguing from a 1st Amendment perspective. They’re just angry that their livelihoods are being destroyed by people pressuring large companies to remove ads.

I love it anyway.

Whew lad

Well good for you, then.

Everyone who’s talked to him in person knows Jon is a good person- he’s just terribly misinformed right now. During that debate, I heard prejudice and bigotry, but those things aren’t personality traits, nor did they expose internal racism. If Jon could get some actual information on those subjects, I’m certain he

The last time this was brought up someone said that the biggest issue is the diffusing of light through the skin, but what the hell do I know.

It’s practically a guarantee no Democrat ever wins the presidency again. Maybe they would support it. They could even pull a “state’s rights” stance.

I’m in camp Bad, Offensive Jokes Shouldn’t Force You to Resign from Your Job

I’ve talked to Trump supporters, especially on r/The_Donald, and I have to say, they were xenophobic and absolutely delusional, but the vast majority weren’t racists. The sample group of Trump supportes may be skewed, as the people who use Reddit to voice support may not be a good representation of all of them, but

“Sick Destiny player reaches lighthouse”