The secession of the states was disputably legal.
Once you’re a millionaire, you can afford to be petty.
The very fact that you guys take the joke so seriously is what makes it so funny- saying “death to all Jews” isn’t entertaining or funny, watching everyone freak the fuck out is. Much like iDubbbz’ “say nigger” comment, the statement isn’t funny, the fact that Tana Mongeau went on to make a 20 minute video about it in…
You’re one of the few people on this site I can call a journalist and not just a reporter.
As a person who plays exclusively PS3 games, I have no practical problems with those, only ethical ones.
He doesn’t identify as biracial- he identifies as black.
You realize Lyft did the exact same thing- suspend surge pricing and provide their services.
The problem with CTF is that it encourages hunkering down and thus reduces dynamic playing. A Bastion blazing away next to 3 Torbijorns isn’t fun.
You won’t believe this one simple trick this Pokemon player discovered that Nintendo doesn’t want you to know!
First of all, defending a fascist’s right to not get punched without cause does not make me a fascist. Second, this isn’t a slippery slope, it’s a double standard. If someone punched a fat couple giving an interview and claimed it was because they found them despicable, morally wrong, and a threat to the country, they…
Here’s the deal:
I would say that getting punched in the face when giving an interview is an unprovoked attack.
...yes it is? If you want the government to massacre a certain ethnic group, that is an action you want the government to take, and thus a political opinion.
If you do that, the Dems will never win another presidential election again.
If someone decided to put it on the banned list for child nudity or some such reason, why would anyone bother to remove it?
Lots of other games let you do that. His was banned when others weren’t and he wants an explanation.
He’s saying someone at Twitch may have had that ideology and no one bothered to challenge said person to get it removed.
There are many feminists who take pride in going after content they find offensive and getting it banned, such as people who try to prevent speakers from talking at universities or who try to organize boycotts against offensive games.