Operator Sam

Denmark and the Scandinavian nations are not even close to socialist, by any stretch of the imagination. They’re almost all* free-market capitalist countries with strong social support systems.

“Ignorance alone stands in the way of socialist success.”

The image makes me think of a giant soulless machine. So, yep a good example of socialism.

Probably didn’t want blowback from not properly addressing racism in his fan cartoon.

linking a hotdiggedydemon vid on kotaku?

Now that’s what I like to see

Oh I get it, you’re an EA executive. That’s why you’re so hostile towards people that are justifiably angry with EA and cynical about what they’ll do in the future. Now it makes total sense why you’re a complete ass hole.

What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.

Would explain how he can eat so much garbage on camera and not be dead!

Yep, Fahey has been a bot for years.

yeah because those are TOTALLY different... like if something is buried in the desert and you find it, you didnt uncover it, you discovered it, duh

That’s spectator mode.

I couldn’t tell, just from the tweet alone, if the reaction was because of the image’s use, or at the complete lack of competency on the part of Telltale. Either way, it was a bit extreme.

I imagine this is similar to when Uncharted stole Assassin’s Creed art.

that Fader article is a load of overreaching BS.

“I read this article people are describing as a trash out-of-context hitpiece and decided that it was enough evidence”

I would recommend against taking sensationalist journalism at face value (aren’t we supposed to be past “fake news” by now?) but if out-of-context quotes are your jam then, go ahead, crucify the guy with a black wife for being a nazi.

Yeah, without knowing anybody involved it doesn’t seem like there’s much actual substance here other than: this guy has had other guys, who have said shitty things, on a channel that he shut down. I am unmoved.

My personal problem with the piece is that the article doesn’t acknowledge at all the numerous times Fantano has identified himself as a feminist and his reviews that generally indicate leftwing ideology. Also, thatistheplan may indulge in some lowbrow humor but to indicate that it “endorses” racism is a faaaaar

Firstly, Fantano is about the least racist person you can find: he’s made a whole (serious) video about why he doesn’t use the n-word and even his wife is black.

This is a garbage hitpiece. I thought the AV Club had better editing/research standards than this.