Whenever someone says the words “spread their/her legs” —you can pretty much assume everything they say next is going to be pure garbage.
Whenever someone says the words “spread their/her legs” —you can pretty much assume everything they say next is going to be pure garbage.
Actually, fuck off. Not reporting predators definitely killed off a piece of you. You are soulless.
All alt-facts aside, Spicy doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of ‘irony.’
Cool thinkpiece, you should write for a blog
Jeez, I have so many poop stories.
Doing field work lend some itself to some very awkward pee/poo adventures. I feel like someone could do an entirely podcast series where field workers and techs call in and tell them.
Dude, it’s not my job...it’s an interest that I happen to discuss often with folks who do work professionally as artists. Do you have any hobbies that deal within specific disciplines?
Look at the very first sentence of my response. Or don’t, because you aren’t interested in any criticism of art. You’re only upset because some evoked the term “white dude” and it made you feel something.
If you place my comment in the context of art and its history, it actually has a lot to do with it. Please take some time to understand the subjects of gender and race in art representation before simply reacting to a valid criticism that is discussed often in the world of critical art theory.
My bad!
Yeah I just thought it was ironic. I’m sure I’ve made some typing mistakes in this conversation as well.
You also told me to feel bad. I am a woman...so yeah you tell women how to feel.
You brought up race when comparing my comment to the oppression of black people.
You’re right, and I am total idiot and race is never an issue ever so no one should ever talk about it.
I was being facetious because your point was poor in both intent and execution.
Have you ever participated in a live drawing class? Did you know you don't just draw naked women all the time?
I know, I am SUCH a reverse racist.
Ugh. Yes I have, and I understand what you meant. It simply doesn’t reflect someone who is having a reasonable debate over a disagreement. At this point you have accused me of never suffering, being reactionary, compared my response to the systemic oppression of black people, being a cancer for my cause, and…
Because bodily autonomy is a relatively new concept for women in art and there is a lot of stuff to be explored. Not all of it is done well, but many women resonate with it because it is a story they recognize.
you got it.