“if one demands an echo chamber during this phase of their life, how will they function later?”
“if one demands an echo chamber during this phase of their life, how will they function later?”
When comedians complain that they can’t do comedy now that “everyone gets offended” what they’re really saying is “our job is too hard now that we can’t pressure women and minorities into awkwardly chuckling when we blatantly insult them.”
With two weeks left in the New York state senate’s legislative session, abortion advocates are pressuring lawmakers…
I’m getting pregnant just thinking about it!
Well, the Americans with Disabilities Act has been around since 1990. Failing to turn on CC at a movie theater of the ADA as CC is considered a reasonable accommodation for Deaf and hard of hearing people, so you guys should probably figure that out if you don’t want a lawsuit on your hands.
This a million times. Deaf people shouldn’t have to alert the rest of the public that they are about to arrive and to be prepared. Deaf people are just trying to live their lives like everyone else. Public spaces should be prepared for large numbers of deaf (or other disabled) patrons because THEY EXIST.
ALL of our racists are fucking stupid, thank you very much.
Honestly, did you also have an impossible time telling these two Chads apart? Jesus WEPT.
It is clear that Vice President of marketing and communications Amy Smith is more than qualified for this position and deserves a raise. The shade was most glorious (emphasis mine)
Texas A&M University is making changes to its policy governing who can speak on campus after a December 2016 visit…
Indeed, Schutz’s intention is largely meaningless in the face of the work. Schutz treats her source as simply an object; as a photograph rather than a record of a teenager murdered because he was black.
It needs to be made for next fucking decade, frankly.
I’d tell you what I’d be moving up from the store brand mustard.
I don’t even disagree with you and I still think you’re a dildo.
See, I’m from Maine, and we prefer lobster racing to pass the time. It has its associated dangers, but at least you can eat the lobsters when you’re done. If you like lobster.
Nah, I’m pretty sure the white folk who routinely claim “reverse racism” are the smug, predictable, and annoying commenters.
Hours after retired army general Michael Flynn was sworn in as national security advisor on Sunday, the Wall Street…
About a month ago I read the news that Bradley Cooper’s girlfriend, a model named Irina Shayk, had become pregnant…