opal whitely

You have condemned me as lacking self-awareness when my initial argument is about the tiredness of men using women’s bodies as props in art, yet you have failed to stop and take in the bit of evidence I have provided, as well as my consistent rebuttals that have refrained from talking about your death! I am cool as a

The extensive history of white men using women as props in art history. There are many sources to look up on ye olde Internet, I suggest googling Guerilla Girls for links, essays, and examples.

How strange that the person spouting extremely negative and poison-filled words is saying I will die lonely and full of regret. You seem pleasant.

A criticism of a single peice does not rule out the importance of an entire body of work. Thanks for sharing though, I appreciate it. He's definitely a talented artist who has brought much of his work to fruition in a more critical way than this particular peice.

Thanks for telling me what to feel bad about. You have only provided further evidence regarding my initial qualms with men speaking for women’s experiences.

How intersectional of you! You’re right! My condemnation of a white male artist is exactly akin to the systematic oppression of POC!

Dude, it literally took less than 10 minutes from the posting of my comment to your question of DO YOU HATE MEN? Do you not see how my response has nothing to do with hating men, and everything to do with how women are used as props both the execution and consumption of art?

It would be slightly less ridiculous if he solicited men and women. But only slightly.

Oh cool, white dude asking 100 women to pose nude for difficult-to-decipher performance peice about “the sacred feminine” for a bunch of people who are already too dense to give a shit about women. Thank you, smart arty man, for figuring out how to communicate for us! We should’ve just been holding up mirrors and

You may be interested to know that the VAST majority of rennet is now derived from a modified bacterium. So GMOs actually contribute to the reduction of the veal industry, which previously supplied the rennet for cheesemaking.

Groundbreaking work, y'all.

I’m sorry for your loss.

I’m sorry for your loss.

I’ve been saying this for years now! We are the correct ones. Who the fuck wants an unfiltered heady soup of a beer when sweat is condensing behind your knees? He’ll even after a long day at work, I don’t want a beer that is going to make me take a nap. Just the high life. Coors banquet beers or classic Budweiser (now

Naw, it doesn’t bother me when other folks call me nerd or dork because basically I’m too busy nerding out. I left my comment before I saw your follow up regarding getting harassed by your admin, so I can totally see that it’s an issue for you and I apologize because my comment was rude. I really typed it out with a

That is a bummer...if administration is calling you names other than Ms. SpicyHat, have you filed a complaint?

Scientist and huge nerd here—just want you to know that I have never met a scientist who didn't identify as a nerd or take even a little bit of offense to being called a nerd. At least among adults. So relax and enjoy these nerds.

When I realized that I was in love with my current partner, I got mad at him, slammed a door in his face as I left his home and promptly cried for a few days. He was NICE to me about it and gave me space, which made it worse because I was just like "FUCK YOU for being so understanding of my irrational reaction to my

You should seriously mix. It looks amazing.