
I could tell that just by the screen cap. He’s all “what the fuck happened here in this situation that I planned, created, and monetized for this exact result. Bazinga!

We’re the tech bros that disrupted death!


Oh that’s rich coming from an ILLEGAL Decepticon immigrant. You’re the reason we need Space Force. 

The Trollbot 3000 is on the fritz again. Try rebooting it. 

Don’t trust a faceless corporation? Go back to Russia, commie! 

Like physical magazines, that dream is dead. 

Is the one of the 7 Reasons That Hollywood Doesn’t Cast Natalie Dormer Anymore? 

I think we can all agree that Kylo Ren would be a more effective villain with a German accent.

You walked right into that one. 

Maybe he has a lightsaber taped to his back and is somehow able to kick Palpatine out a window?  

This Week on the Inventory: Our User’s Favorite Ad Blockers

The 11-year year old version of myself that played D&D strongly disagrees with your statement that I need to accept those rolls. 

I’m not entirely sure what a Zendaya is supposed to be. 

If by “weird”, you mean the exact thing they’ve been doing for a decade, then yes, it’s very weird. 

It’s at 78% on Rotten Tomatoes, made 1.128 billion dollars, and has a sequel on the way.  

Mine has and will always be Mayor McCheese with Grimace watching. 

Take up hunting. Deer gotta die. You gotta eat meat. It’s a win-win.

I’m in different coffee shops/apartments/co-working spaces throughout the week and for some reason I can’t get the cookies to stick from ISP to ISP. 

Because some of us work from the road and 2-step authentication every.single.time. is a pain in the ass.