
Don’t try it Ewan; Disney has the high ground.

I would say that the death of someone who was on a tv show is actually very relevant to a website that covers tv shows.

Oh no, only 3 episodes of a creepy old man hiding in a cave and sometimes spying on a child. Just as long as they don’t cut the super exciting episode where he comes out of hiding to go see a pod race. 

It’s almost as if people who go on bizarre dating contest shows aren’t emotional stable.  

I once ordered that the civilian population of Cardassia be ruthlessly slaughtered by the Jem’Hadar. But I’m quite sure others here have accomplished great things as well! 

After Miles Teller?

“Is this an expiration date written on my back?”

How dare you besmirch the good name of Due Date

I thought that show was a conjuration of drunk or hungover fever dreams I had, you're telling me it was real?!

He also had a ziplock bag of Cheerios in his pocket.

When a guy who calls himself DaBaby throws apple juice at you, I think at that point you have to admire the commitment to the bit 

When will they learn?

I just don’t expect that kind of infantile response from DaBaby.

Wow, “Thing May or May Not Happen, We Really Have No New Information.”

That is just lazy, im not young and I still find plenty of great music every year. If you only listen to shit from your formative years, that is your fault. 

Obligatory me popping in here to say “fuck ‘fuck you it’s January’” for being a stupid reductive boring blanket opinion disguised as a clever catchphrase!

Jordan McGraw? With a name like that you can only be either a struggling C&W singer, the lead in a two-season CSI spin-off, or an incestuous cannibal serial killer being pursued by either, or perhaps both, of the aforementioned.

Nothing says ‘holiday spirit’ quite like a vanity cameo by a psychopath rapist criminal who has illegally abducted tens of thousands of children and thrown them into squalid concentration camps.

Later that night, the spokesman was raped by Bill Cosby.

Found one of these bloggers mom.