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As fun as that Arsenal goal was, I think this is actually my favorite memory of his time at NUFC. Dude was a brick wall that afternoon.

“Got into an altercation at the Nashville Margaritaville” wouldn’t crack the 100 most surprising facts about Rex and Rob Ryan.

I would pay serious money to experience the Witcher 3 again for the first time. I agree with the jealousy of someone experiencing it for the first time. I still get the warm and fuzzies when Geralt wakes up next to the campfire with Vesemer in White Orchard with the sunrise. I know how much fun Im set to have

Mark Jackson has really improved his analysis.

Man I have finished the main storyline and the sidequests for the game today, and even tough I know I still have both the expansions to play, I am so sad that we are finished with Geralt’s story :’(

Is it true may I ask from guys who have finished the expansions that the blood and wine ends the story for Geralt much

“Wow, that is so sad”—A Cleveland Indians fan wearing a Chief Wahoo T-Shirt

“To Protect and Serve”, only if you are White.

See, I always got the creepy “Hey, if I blow this dude maybe he won’t shoot a fucking particle beam laser at me and imprison me with the departed spirits of Lizzie Borden and Jack the Ripper and the Emperor fuckin’ Nero” kind of vibe from that. In this case Aykroyd is equivalent to a cop agreeing not to arrest a

Exactly. I used to go to twenty-odd games a year, even when they sucked. I have no interest in schlepping to the Stadium now, even though the team is very fun to watch. They’re fun to watch from my couch, too.

New Yankee Stadium sucks. It’s monolithic and alienating, and makes the game on the field feel like an afterthought. The design of Citi Field is so much more open and welcoming.

What, and fuck it through the sheet? This isn’t some Orthodox Jew wedding night, I wanna see it all.

Most people plead guilty for a reduced sentence or choice of a cushy prison, but gummy bears?? What an idiot.

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That’s a real life Mutley you got there!

1.5 margin of error.

My dad watches Fox News on occasion because in his words: “I need to know how these people are spinning things.” There’s value in that, I suppose, if you’re not watching for the validity of the actual content.

I agree with you Rainey. I don’t think her crusade to change the folks at Fox News is going to happen. It is too late. Fox News has created an entire nation of racist idiots too stupid to think for their own good. Her talents would be put to use elsewhere, she seems to be self-aware and is obviously highly educated. I

I don’t know what to say, she’s lamenting that the Black Fox News viewership is 1.5%. It sounds like she’d like that number to be higher. However, I can’t in good conscience tell anyone I care about of any color to watch that channel.It literally brainwashes people. People who watch Fox News are more likely to be

Especially since T Swift herself could have given Hillary a nice boost, had she chosen to. Instead she’ll use feminism when it helps her and forget about it when it could actually make a difference.