
The 2K series is basically just one giant advertisement so I’m not surprised.

Everytime I check back in with NBA 2K, I always say to myself “ Self, can 2K be more Cringy and Shameless?” I’m never disappointed.

Ugh.... Can we just take everyone saying he is innocent and throw them in the ocean 

I think there is a difference between accepting someone because they are overweight and acknowledging that being overweight is healthy. The world is full of all different shapes and sizes and they should all be accepted. What shouldn’t be accepted is magazines and media outlets proclaiming that being obese is

Most people are hyper-focused on the technical issues with the game, and are ignoring or glossing over its design flaws. It’s possible, even likely, that they’ll fix the technical problems - at least on PC’s and the current consoles - but I don’t see the design flaws getting fixed. Maybe they’ll come closer to what

Jesus, this feels like something you’d see set in the 1950's, but it’s happening now.

I was thinking about that the other day and ... I don’t know. I thought maybe If progressives could flood the system and take the jobs that conservative asshats have now - cops, police union chiefs, judges, etc. - they could turn It from the Inside out. Because yelling from the outside doesn’t seem to be working. I

Step 1. Stop voting in the GOP.

Not just corrupt (though it is absolutely that) — there’s this:

Oh God, they would have adored each other!
I’m so sorry you lost your Dad..he sounded great.

Another poster was right; this situation is literally the plot of the Masque of the Red Death.

I just hope those who were there tending to the building who were just working and wanted fuck all to do with any of this shit don’t get sick. Everyone else, especially the folks paying thousands to be there? Eh.

When my father-in-law caught Covid he knew something was off when the green sauce from King Taco here in LA wasn't hitting like it used to. Rich white Republicans at a fundraiser will never know what the difference is from their regular bland food.

serious Masque of the Red Death vibe to this

The first thing I thought of when I saw that sweet, sweet WaPo notification on my iPad was Diana belting, “CAN YOU...FEEL THE...BRAND NEW DAY!!”

True or not, his lil’ field team of tendie-chomping, Pepe-humping edgelords should commit seppuku. It’s kind of like the “clap your hands to save Tink” for unrepentant, absolute shitheels.

The way my petty is set up....

Especially when this “article” author doesn’t even pretend to know anything about the sale (when it will be, what will be on sale, what, if any, changes Amazon will be making, etc.). It seems to have just been a clickbait attempt to post their affiliate links for some products.

Especially when this “article” author doesn’t even pretend to know anything about the sale (when it will be, what

Even ignoring Amazon’s exploitative business practices and near monopoly, how is a single company’s sale qualify as news, particularly given world events? 

Even ignoring Amazon’s exploitative business practices and near monopoly, how is a single company’s sale qualify as

Is it the same Amazon from these articles?

Is it the same Amazon from these articles?