
They’re pretty early in the project still, but Rich Rebuilds is making a bread truck frame and engine under a Tesla Model 3 so use as a tow rig.

That Delta City project finally moving ahead then?

So I double checked - Florida DOES tax boats at 6% of the value.  But Florida changed the law to cap the tax bills for boats to $18,000.  So the owner instead of paying 6% of $3.3 million, would be capped at $18,000.  So nearly a 90% discount versus a home...

Funny how the richer the person is, the more the hell-0r-high-water attitude of avoiding paying taxes exists. Truly disgusting since they can easily afford the tax bills.

The casino boat I worked at briefly in college had to fire up the engines and move once per year to remain legally a boat. While this was a river boat and in a different state, it was still a boat who’s entire existing was a legal loophole. 

Hm, I can’t figure out which way Ron DeSantis would step in and fuck this up in an authoritarian manner.

As much as I often complain about the tactics of the rich in avoiding and at times outright evading taxes with impunity I am completely with the boat owner here.

There are far too many EGOT winners to consider it an impressive achievement. An even greater achievement would be having exactly two People’s Choice Awards, two Oscars, and two Emmys. We can call them POOPEE winners.

Loud pipes do not, in fact, save lives.

Eh, once I finally gave it a chance, I really liked Cars 2. It was a great send-up of 007 action, and it didn’t just repeat the first film like most sequels did. It’s no Grand Prix, but it was a lot of actual fun.

Honestly I’d like to see the robot trucks stay in the right lane 100% of the time, but in groups of like 3. There could be minimal distance between them because reaction times would be instantaneous. I mean, not like NO distance, but a lot less than we normally think of. They could set 100% at the speed limit and all

Looking at your foto, I did what I always do when looking at the engine of whichever British car I was driving that had just inexplicably stopped — I squinted and zeroed in on the shiniest spots. Cuz, other than the belt pullies, there is never anything shiny except something that is now out of place, or broken, or

agreed, or force the headlights to be under a certain height for all vehicles, you headlights shouldn’t be at eye level with other drivers on the highway. that shit is dangerous.

Equally hilarious is the moment they realize the political party they pledge their unwavering devotion to is also not on their side.

it’s always so funny to watch when right wing nutjobs are confronted with the fact that the general populace is not on their side

<Rick and Morty Car Battery Episode.jpg>

I don’t see where I said this is a set of problems that are easily solved, just that they mostly are solved. Nor can I say that I consider our various issues entirely moral failings. At some point in our history, our imagination simply became completely stunted and status quo became preferred even when it’s very

Eh, its more of a Shelbyville idea, anyway.”   You beat me to it. Enjoy your star!

Meanwhile I’m over here getting paid for 40 hours though average 60 hours, fucking salary.

The primetime showings aren’t for people who are interested in the sport of it. If you’re a luge head, you’re watching that shit live. The primetime sports are for the people who like the olympics as human interest pieces/jingoistic entertainment, and you can find plenty of that elsewhere.