
No way this would affect me, I have been giving my credit card to every one of the vehicle warranty companies that have been calling me lately just to make sure my warranty stays active. I didn’t realize a 1972 Aermacchi-HD could still get a warranty but I’m not going to pass up a good deal.

I had to log in just to star this comment, Ride On you oddly-engineered bastard.

Driving around in my wife’s beloved TJ Wrangler when at a stop I noticed a car approaching from behind was not paying attention and was barreling down on me. I punched it and swung over the curb to get out of their way at which point they hammered their brakes and ended up stopping in the space that I had just been

Dont forget Tesla/Musk Inc is setting up a huge G-Factory near Austin to “own the libs in CA” so yeah, the TX attorney general wants to score points in the hopes he moves more of his workforce there. Backscratching going around in every direction.

My daughter has a 1965 Honda S65 that is rated at 4hp, back when the Japanese makers really pumped up their numbers meaning it probably makes less power than this thing at more than twice the displacement.

Most if not all specialized plumbing tools, if for no other reason than I inevitably get wet doing plumbing work and its not from sweat.

In the motorcycle world we call this Bold New Graphics. Nice but not really a change of any substance.

The best convertible is the one you have. Seriously everything with w drop top is awesome when the weather is right.

I had a late ‘00's Camry Hybrid and it was a dream to drive. Not as fast as a proper V6 version, but was smooth, comfortable, didn’t make any weird noises, and constantly got between 38 - 45 mpg. When I wanted to have fun with a vehicle, I either rode a motorcycle or took my wife’s TJ out into the fields. When I needed

Grid-style taillights, reference late 80’s Pontiacs, Nissan Pulsars, etc. I don’t know why but I always enjoyed that style.

Is a taller roll bar not an option? It would be pricey considering you would need to adapt the top and probably add a bar over the windshield making this strictly a track/race car, but how much is race-prepping another whole car at this point?

Why does this keep linking to Bestbuy.com instead of apple.com?

Why does this keep linking to Bestbuy.com instead of apple.com?

Please keep the market in the Tampa area hot, at least for the next 8 - 10 weeks. 

Just finished watching the local feed, outstanding race for the low step on the podium. Espargaro had the patience and skill to just completely dominate once he took 3rd. 

They just need to reinforce to those kids how important hard work is, it helps maintain the plasticity of the grey matter

I’m sure Mike Lindell will fund it, he’s burning through his fortune like he doesn't have kids to inherit it.

While I skim over a lot of it, I do appreciate the deep depth to which you have researched various OEM builders of these chassis and shells, because its the same stuff I do with the various vehicles that I take a personal interest in. 

RIGHT? This has always been my concern with skoolies, they are designed to carry upwards of 50 teenagers up to 250 lbs each, plus safety factors so they are sprung for 12,500 - 16,000lbs of live load. They can be brutal on anything inside.

This was my primary takeaway from the article as well. In one sentence they complain about being priced out for purchasing tickets so they can’t go, but then they are concerned about noise levels when they won’t even be trackside. I get that they have legitimate concerns, but the noise levels seem like the least of

My guy, please give us 24 hours before you drop spoilers in the headlines, not all of us have had a chance to watch our torrents...er I mean paid subscription recording of the race.