
Come in wearing Buell logos

And, for what it’s worth, the current admin’s constant slighting of him remains generally counterproductive to our collective interest in an EV future.

My used Altima blew up after 6 months and that's why I'll never buy a Japanese car again and I berate anyone who drives one!

When you’ve had to install anti-sucide measures at your workplace, your position in the Worker Suicide Rankings isn’t really the part you want to focus on.

Farm work is a bit of a special case because farm labor in the US has *always* been performed by an underclass that essentially has no power to push for better wages and treatment.
First we had chattel slavery, where laborers were literally owned by their bosses.
Then we had sharecropping, where laborers were kept in

The idea that Americans are lazy and soft, and America is going downhill because of it, has been a talking point on the political right for decades. Often there’s a subtext that it’s “other” Americans who are the problem, not the target audience of whoever’s doing the talking. “You guys are the good guys, it’s just

Tack on the fact it’s become socially acceptable to hustle because whatever you’re doing simply isn’t enough; your life’s purpose is to produce, produce, produce so that others can consume, consume, consume.

Always worthy.

Ah yes, I want nothing more than for my car to be assembled by an over-worked, sleep deprived technician.

LOL, you won’t see any of those big yachts in Monaco this year, they are being seized or went back to Russia to a safe port

Sooo, you are actually giving the results before us we can see the broadcast. Can you wait a little longer, like a day, that would be appreciated.

I know what you did there... He did use accelerator though so that he could get high early.

I can’t imagine being someone who buys a car and doesn’t want to put miles on it because number go up.

Precious bodily (car) fluids

Dou you know how you prevent shit like that of happening to you?

When a process server look for you at your home address or office you receive him or make an appointment for a later date, instead of trying to avoid and dodge it, because that’s how you get this kind of situation. Respect the job of the others and they

Meh. I’m on the process servers side. Just the messenger. There’s no details exactly how the process server came to the conclusion of doing this action. I’ll assume it can be for any number of reasons such as, “I tried several times these last couple of weeks to professionally serve her, but she knows how to pump

Oh wow, there are other people out there with different priorities than you. Who’d a thunk? Ever think there are people would rather drive place to place with their own personal belongings and comforts and enjoy the scenery vs cramming onto a cramped tube for hours after spending hours sitting in a crowded lounge,

While that looks really nice, $63k for non-professional work is a big ask.

DeSantis doesn’t care.  It’s the posturing that matters to him and the stupid people he is courting.  I hope he is over-reaching and this hurts him, but it seems that there is no such thing as over reaching to the GOP base these days.

Oh, Ron DeSantis is upset? Poor guy. He can fuck right off into the ocean.