
Travel more. The rest of the world does it.

People have an irrational reaction to lane-splitting purely out of selfish, “well why should *that* person get to go to the front instead of waiting like the rest of us!?” sentiments

It’s not a counterpoint if you’re not making an actual argument, but stating a baseless opinion. Educate yourself, then come back and try again.

None of that is relevant to anything.

Legendary storytelling David, and I for one am amazed you saved the FC. I knew you’d never willingly quit, but man the early photos looked like a dead-in-the-water effort.

I voted for Biden because he wasn’t Trump. Yes. Many voted for the same reason. But that doesn’t mean my expectations or wants from him as a leader end there. We will never see improvements in our society if all we ever do is settle for the status quo after taking steps backward.

Saying that the Warren and Sanders

Harrison Bergeron would remove that weight.  Just saying.  

“Qianjiang... the Chinese bike maker behind Benelli and QJ Motor.”

 Why I would build my own tank.

This is bullshit - *anyone* who I am legally required to interact with must be 100% vaccinated. I have no way to avoid interacting with cops and TSA when they choose to engage. In return for those powers and their generous wages, they need to be vaccinated with zero exceptions.

If there is a group that is willing to be compliant with overreaching rules for “our safety” it should be TSA employees. 

Don’t worry, that’s coming next. I’m going to be working this beat (lol) further and deeper.

I can’t comment on the situation at large, other than it sucks. But wanted to say, that’s some great investigative journalism. 👍

Full! It’s Full Self Driving! I don’t understand why it’s so hard to grasp. All you need to do is sit back and relax and be far more alert and attentive that you would be while driving the car yourself as it fully drives itself.

If you need to be an experienced operator to use FSD, how FSD can it be?

Yeah, but you get those sales at the cost of all consumer goodwill surrounding the foundational titles of your flagship IP. How much revenue makes that trade worthwhile? It’s the height of shortsighted ignorance.  Even the greediest of corporations can usually be expected to act in their own self-interest.  

For a practical choice, have to throw my vote to a service body pickup. Sure, Ram has its ram boxes, but why limit yourself to two when you can use the whole bedsides and still fit 4x8 sheets in the bed? Plus, the old ones are dirt cheap!

If you “see” a Halon system going off, it might also be your last memory. If you do not quickly leave the area.

This vehicle is what I always wanted to drive since the movie Aliens.

I mean, Jalop said when they changed from Crack Pipe to No Dice that it was because “crack pipe” was inherently racist because many crack addicts were Black.