
Burn this image into your brains for the next time some idiot writer or commenter tells you how much better cars were in the 80s-90s.

Inflation has helped out with this. People will work for $20/hr and be happy about it even though they don’t understand that $20/hr today is about the same as $14/hr last year.

Anyone remember Jimmie Carter?

You know, that whole “expect to pay for more” shit sounds like a reasonable argument...until you realize -prices never go down in the first place-

Crushing the Unions isn’t working out the way they planned.

Bullshit. Worker productivity is way up in the last fifty years, but their portion of the earnings way down.  The bloat is with the parasites skimming all the cream, and that's where it needs to be taken back from. 'Same as it ever was.'

Fuck this. Every other first world country has no problem paying workers fair wages and costs are far from higher. I can go to Europe and make 22 bucks an hour working at McDonalds with 5 weeks paid vacations and better benefits, and the cost for the food is roughly the same

Getting tired of the “but the holiday season” nonsense. Fuck the retail suckfest that is Christmas. Do what my family did years ago once all the kids were grown. Nobody buys anything for anybody. We all HAVE everything already. I haven’t bought a Christmas present in 25 years. We get together for food and good cheer,

I doubt that Mercedes meant it that way. The greed is from the companies that hire drivers and refuse to pay them enough to keep them on the job. The independent contractor bullshit also gives the drivers no security, and low pay + no job security = everyone who can work elsewhere telling the employers to eat shit.

It’s as if generations of wage suppression across the entire economy are suddenly being blown apart by a collective refusal to take any more of it.

Bro-Dozers will get the aftermarket kits that will delete the adaptive headlights so they can continue blinding everyone

Is it just me, or are things getting worse as the latest generations of pickups hit the road? Just in the past month or so, I feel like I’m being blinded more and more frequently, from behind and in front.

I would be willing to bet they have a plan in place with the local authorities..." ...none of whom have any experience with major construction or sports projects, none of whom were appointed on merit, and none of whom are ever going to say anything except "it'll be ready on time and be the best F1 ever". If your boss

I imagine a portion of the track will be actual workers.

This is why most of the turns at the track will be lefts.

Whew, I’m glad I didn’t go to that party like I was planning. Looks dead.

I booted up Vice City and after a single mission Tommy had this weird ‘terminator’ effect going on where his hair and face kept flickering into liquid metal, like, no reason. His face just kept getting fucked up tin foil for no reason, had to reboot.

And the horrible filter they use for rain is pretty blinding and

Can someone give me details on the packets of parmesan cheese, red pepper flakes, and soy sauce? Are we talking a handful of each or like boxes? Need to know.

pair things down”

Different take here. I regret none of my car purchases.