
Judgemental jackasses like you are a scourge on the world.

I bought a used SUV - a 93 Pajero. Its amazing

What’s crystal clear is that the surest fire way to get people to buy more efficient vehicles is to increase the cost to operate less efficient vehicles (i.e. raise the price of gas).

Don’t listen to the other self righteous jerk. People can change and grow to be better. Your perspective is helpful to this conversation.

I’m OK with being called an idiot. I was an idiot. I’m also nearly 11 years sober, which doesn’t invalidate my misdeeds but at least shows that I did, in fact, address my alcoholism.

When “enforcement” is the “answer”- you already failed the test.

I am, to my shame, a 2-time loser. And as such, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that no system exists outside of full automation that can keep drunks from driving while also not screwing over normal, rational drivers at the same time.

This is the overlanding equivalent to stance. 

I think I might be burned out on apocalypse metaphors for off-road campers. see also: “Raptor killer”, “buy this so I don’t have to”, etc.

Affluenza goes hand in hand with Prosperity Godspell down the road to hell in Texas. 

Hey man, she’s just a free thinking, rugged individualist who did her own research.

I genuinely dont know what the best course of action here is.

This is what happens when you mix basic heterosexuality with exhibitionist narcissism and attention-seeking. 

Oh, and it’s not getting raced at all”

You should be a good son and take it off their hands.

Someone else commented that they tried that, but nobody showed up.  I think being an asshole is part of the draw for these people.

Sure, yeah, people protesting for civil rights are totally the same thing as idiots who make their cars spin.

You wanna meet reserve, maybe paint that throttle linkage bracket in the 4th pic. You have all of that fancy, clean stuff happening there, and a rusty hunk of metal sitting in the front middle of the engine bay.

Cops dont give a shit about cyclists or pedestrians example infinity. 

I’d never buy from a place like carvana where the inability to haggle is somehow lauded as a good thing, but: