
So I’m sure this has been noted, but if the rails are on the top of your tent, it seems they would have been designed for a compression load (downward) rather than a tension load (upward) meaning that hanging from them may be putting undue stress on the shell of the tent.

I love seeing this kind of stuff.  Meanwhile I am trying to find a FJCruiser in a junkyard so I can snag its springs for my 4Runner.  We are not the same.  

Classic reference

Its gonna come down to who imprints the elephant logo on their fuel fillers like the old Cagivas and Ducatis.  

To be fair, he’s tried and failed how many times to get his license?

A Meteor engine in a new Royal Enfield Meteor, its a match made in the heavens.  

A+ comment, have a shiny new star

No, this is sooooooo bad, like I can find virtue in most of the Nice Price-Crack Pipe offerings but this is simply terrible.  A decent car and a perfectly serviceable motorcycle were destroyed to make something that is far less than the sum of its parts. The crackiest of pipes for this.

Should is irrelevant, I’m describing how it works, this is capitalism baby, warts and all.

Sales > Goodwill in a capitalist system. Let the gov’t regulators force companies to improve the product, well except that they’ll be actively lobbying the same gov’t to reduce the power of those consumer protection agencies and burden them with “accountability” and record requests.

I appreciate that the spare tires appear to be on some sort of slide ramp, meaning you can stand in the bed and conveniently be crushed to death and your body hidden below the bedrails.  

I’m glad I waited to purchases these, although my son got them on day 1 and he only just started playing them a day or so ago. I also dug out my PS2 last night and actually found my OG copies of III & Vice City which I could have sworn I sold years ago. Ironically GTA:SA is the only game I have ever pre-ordered, and if

The sales of the early release fund the patches. Spend as little as possible porting to a release date then fix the bugs as they come up later, you’ve already got most of the customer’s money by that point anyway.

NP for the sheer mass and luxuriousness of it all, there is nothing like old luxury. You’re not going to find many Maseratis and Alfas of this vintage for this kind of money. I’m still kicking myself for passing on a 1980 Jaguar XJ6 at $2k a few years ago because “it’ll cost so much to maintain”. Sure yeah but its a

I gotta second the hearse.  Turn on your flashers and everyone will come to a stop to let you pass as opposed to a police cruiser where everyone will just slow down and make traffic more aggravating. 

Oh yeah the installers made the point that there is a reason they provide SCBA units along the walls. Then again this was 25 years ago so my fascination was borne of my youthful exuberance.  

I love seeing systems like this operate. I am a huge infrastructure geek and seeing things “behind the curtain” of normal everyday life is fascinating. Years back I was building a data center and we installed a halon fire suppression system and I desperately wanted to see that go off.

Yup, its pretty easy to roll through any of the states in the SE and see where the meth line begins.  Almost entirely white poor rural areas.  Hell I’ve known several professional people who were recreational meth users.  

All that effort and you left the Dork Ring on the rear wheel? lol

Of this list I can accept Mommie Dearest and Road House, but that’s about it. Stayin’ Alive is on the cusp just on the strength of its soundtrack.