
Narrow minded people compartmentalize their contradicting views. It is how hypocrisy works. They never bother to think about how one belief relates to the other until someone confronts them. If you call them out on the contradiction, they squirm and try to change the subject.

Oh it’s not strange at all. It’s the same reason why Netanyahu is fine with buddying up to neo Nazis and white supremacists: his goal is power and removal of all non Jews and people of color to achieve the ultimate goal of the perfect ethnostate of white Ashkenazim (European Jews) (I emphasize white because I’m

TAX THEM ALL. Catholics, LDS, Scientologists ... fucking ALL of them.

I just moved to NYC and cannot understand how so many women wear flip flops and thin sandals. You’re letting your feet get so close to so much grossness! And I come home at the end of the day and take off my shoes right by the front door because goodness knows what’s on them. There’s no way their feet are clean. I

Maybe he’s not the hero we need, but he’s the one we deserve.

Alternate title for this article:

“...in sickness and in health,

“The lobby has really great acoustics, and naturally, we all fart,”

You know - If I had to imagine the face of the guy who got fired for posting his farts... Yeah. Pretty much that guy.

Yes please!

Lauryn Hill was already on top of the world when this record came out— on the heels of the Fugee’s massive “The Score” and the celebration of her voice on their cover of “Killing me Softly”. The fact that the sound was completely divergent from the Fugees and that she’s never managed a quality follow-up tells me that

This is not nearly enough fashion roundup!  I need MOARRR!  But love Cardi B’s whole look!

It’s finally happened...


Did anyone else read this title and think they were somehow sending email attachments wrong?  or am i the only one?

Saw her across a hallway at college, and a voice said, “You’re going to marry her.”

Bleep Bloop Bleep Let’s Laugh With Celebrities With Mr. Good Time Smiley Pants

The major rule of any reality TV show is to stop doing anything when the cameras are off. They are filming almost 22 hrs a day. Producers ask all the talents that they conserve their energy between brakes, don’t talk or do anything. So when the camera starts rolling again they still have their energy and the

As a non famous jubilant person with a very dry / dark sense of humor -