
THIS IS DIRTBAG. Sure G/O has gone downhill, but DIRTBAG will never be where journalism is found. It is literally a writer pulling links and putting a bare minimum amount of snark or hot snarky take next to them. Ta Da. That is fucking it. Gawker of yore is not coming back, they certainly don’t give two fucks about

I just feel that her position in that marriage is, if he wants to kiss her like that, she had to be game. The duty of being a Trump wife as it were (all the money she has now, the US citizenship for herself and her parents were the bargain for having to physically be there for him). I think now that she is ‘First

I have exercised while depressed, and while it made me feel somewhat physically better, it did not diminish the depression. It was still there. It cannot replace the help that the correct medication can provide you. I know that exercise has helped my friends with their extreme anxiety, but ultimately they still have

Glib yes, but not wrong. I understood exactly what she meant. But for those not versed in the continuous pay-offs by Businesses and other countries (thanks Roger Stone!)(but it is free Speech!), I could see how her remark seems dismissive.

There is a larger issue of plastics not being held to a uniform standard. It reflects the versatility of Plastic as well as it’s the reason it ends up in trash. Since plastic recycling rules are many, and different across cities, it is easier to throw that shit in the trash.

Yeah doxxing leads to wrong people being accused. And then when it is not them, the internet does not adjust for the mistake, so the victim mistaken identity gets royally screwed

This would imply that these girls are gunning to use them to get some 2nd/3rd hand Kardashian energy/fame glow for themselves

And he went to USC. Go figure

Also, did women really have rights then to even object to a marriage? I feel like it was likely she was old enough and her father wanted her married.

I think that is good advice, but I know from so many couples that they get into the marriage with more expectations than that, and like Perel states, negotiating that reality is fucking hard. You marry someone who at the time has the same goals, objectives, etc as you, in fact it is part of what you love about them


Agree. Corporate world does this shit too. Same crap. Basically companies don’t want to pay for the perks of being an official - *insert business/organizations* - employee. Your health insurance is pricey, you don’t get any other employee perks /recognition for years of service, no commuter benefits, you have to deal

Meh, talent wise they are about the same tho. Britney benefitted from being a sexualized tween taking the Madonna torch, whereas Paula was an adult competing with Madonna, and Janet Jackson, and Whitney Houston.

Cold Hearted Snake was a great video, definitely encouraged some sexual thoughts for me as a pre pubescent teen. So was Rush, Rush which featured a swoon worthy Keanu Reeves, who happens to look exactly the same now. OK, maybe better.

Friendly correction: Reese is doing Crate and Barrel ads. They are super awkward. 

My gossip reading indicated pretty strongly that she was a lesbian

I heartily recommend This Old House, where they ACTUALLY do the work on the home and keep as best they can the style of the home while updating it. Plus authentic New England accents.Example: Next on This Old House, Nahm will show you how to replace Stahm Dahs. (translation: Norm will show you how to replace storm

This makes me not like him more. 

Considering Handmaidens are women who are continually raped and the red robes and white bonnets are the outfits they are raped in, the choice was definitely poorly thought out.

Everyone keeps giving reasons. Since it is supposed to be irrational, I am going to say: