
You can watch two movies.

Christ almighty, you’re such a transparently disingenuous liar.

Feinstein isn’t a Boomer. She was born in 1933. Her daughter is a Boomer.

I will forever stan Octavia Spencer because not only did she come to the Red Cross shelter where I was staying after the wildfires last year, BUT when I thanked her on Twitter a couple weeks later, she sent me a lovely message asking how I was doing.

Depression is SO HARD. It is SO MUCH WORK. It’s like everyone else is just jogging along on the treadmill in their cute little outfits, watching The Bachelor, and you’re running a marathon in mud up to your knees with shoes made of cement in the freezing cold pouring rain.

I really do have sympathy for Bieber. I’m dragging my tired body through every day with the help of an anti-depressant and only my friends and family are aware of my daily movements. I cannot imagine what I’d do if I went to buy my weekly bread and eggs and saw my fat ass on the cover of a magazine looking like crap

Her husband is the publisher of The Federalist. I’d be willing to bet cosplaying extravagant butthurt plays a major role in their sex life. 

One of the most aggressively irrelevant people I’ve ever met. When she “wrote” a book, she came to speak at the monthly meeting of the publisher I used to work for. Staff asked her what her goals were, what her ambitions were, whether she planned to follow in her father’s footsteps and run for office. She sat there,

Every municipality that offers curbside recycling has different rules. Mine does not take soft plastics like bags and plastic mailing envelopes no matter how you bundle them. BUT the grocery stores in the area will accept and recycle these plastic film materials. So you are right, don’t rely on Lifehacker to know what

She’s also the embodiment of, “Don’t you know WHO I AM?”

“Ah McCain, the biggest hypocrite there is.”

Meghan McCain is the embodiment of “I want to speak to your manager”. 

McCain looks like she’s squeezing out an especially choice fart in that header photo. 

“This company didn’t unionize... You won’t BELIEVE what happened next!”

I’m just curious, after reading all that, if you’re getting a divorce or not? Because you sound pretty miserable. No trolling.

Men are basically trash.

This is one of the reasons why I am divorced. I had all of this on top of a small business and I couldn’t “manage/train”* a husband. If I was going to do it all, then why are you here. I just couldn’t and I was becoming bitter and mean.


Bitch. You are a glorious woman. Ya whole damn family is lucky. I see you. I applaud you. I am you. 

“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”