Only Slightly Bent

There isn't even an announced price so how on earth is it overpriced?

It's fine that you have no words because that isn't how pureview works.

That's one opinion. But if you hit the lens hard enough to break the UV filter, well, had it been the front element of the lens that took the brunt of the force instead...would you really be any better off? Anecdotally I've had a UV filter shatter while mounted before and the lens underneath has come away unscathed.

Not even remotely necessary. This guy only thinks he's found the general area where the body was dumped. Even if it wasn't a year later and the body wasn't nearly completely destroyed by now, I can't even imagine how you would find a single solitary body deep on the ocean floor. It's hard enough finding gigantic metal

Well, with privatized sales there should be much more money to those same right places, and it's pretty debatable whether or not the state should be in the business of selling liquor. But you're right...access is probably going to increase.

What kinks are you waiting on? Windows Phone has been out coming on 2 years now, making this hardly "first edition."

I'm 6'1" with big hands and a Galaxy Nexus, so I understand the value of big phones. It just doesn't make much sense to stretch it this big without some sort of benefit. I'm not saying it should be a 3.5" screen, just that 4.7" is pushing it when it's just going to make clear how gigantic each pixel is.

I'm unsure what parade I'm raining on. All I said was you need a good reason to make a phone this big, and without an increase in pixel density I'm not seeing one here. Says the guy with a 4.6" screen'd phone jammed in his pocket.

There's a difference between "bigger" and "biggest" and other than the Note, the Titan fulfills the latter. Consumers want larger phones...within reason, and 4.7" is pushing the limit for what's usable as a phone. With a screen that size you need a strong argument for why it's worth cramming in pocket and stretching

I wouldn't let HTC off the hook though. It isn't like they had to make it so damn big.

If I were you I'd save up a bit and wait for a good deal on a D7000. Right now refurbished models are going for around $1000, which is getting pretty close to your price range. This way you could keep your current lens/lenses, and it would offer a sizable step up in every direction from the D60. In many ways the D7000

4-6 hundred can get you a hell of a lot more camera than it used to. There's a lot of micro 4/3's models that will easily fit that range, like Olympus Pen series. Or the Sony NEX-C3 is a great option at the upper end of that limit. Any way you split it, you have a ton of choices. Personally I've always been happy with

The sensor of the D800 has more than half-again as many photo sites as does the MKIII. This was briefly mentioned in the article, but really the best way to think about it is as if each pixel is a little bucket for available photons. A bigger bucket will capture more photons than a smaller bucket, which means each

Neither, unless you already own a prosumer DSLR and only consider full frame models "real camera"s. It hardly makes sense to drop 3 grand on a body if you haven't had experience with the lower end, as the benefits of professional-grade hardware just won't be apparent. The T2i's, 60D's, D3100's, and D7000's (not to

That wouldn't make much sense considering this is Angry Birds Space

I believe what ShanaLD is referring to is that (at least according to Gordon Ramsay) the fin itself doesn't taste much like anything, while the broth itself is delicious. So presumably you could stop the fin'ing entirely and have soup that's just as delicious, and waaay better for the ocean.

Ehhhhh. The first shot is at 1/2.5 of a second, so presumably it's taken with a tripod, which sort of kills the idea of showing us what you can shoot in available light. So that isn't happening. And there is a definite comparison being made here, which as z.griswold pointed out just doesn't really tell you anything

Doesn't matter where it's sold, global market...does no one remember how those work?

Anybody know of any plans to bring this to Mac? I nearly shit my pants the day KSP went multiplatform, I'm ready to do it again.

You're thinking about this the wrong way. "Time" isn't traveling, information is. It's like 2 people standing on opposite ends of a football field yelling at each other, where you hear your voice before the other person does because they have to wait for the sound to get down the field. In this case we're talking