Only Slightly Bent

Knowing how someone captured a shot can be incredibly informative and helpful for learning photographers. Maybe they've tried to get a certain effect or aren't sure how to get it, and so getting a sense of what others have done and seeing the results right in front of you can be just what you need. It's no accident

I use a 50mm prime on my D80 (same crop) from time to time, and it's wonderful as long as you don't need to shoot anything very wide or tall. The crop factor really pushes it into portrait-lens territory, but one that is just wide enough to get by with a lot more...given some room to back up. You have to use your legs

Alien 3 didn't suck because of the CGI, it sucked because everything else about it was just as bad.

Oh wait I get it now. You aren't funny or clever. And if you don't see why that is, I suggest you re-read your original comment a few times over.

Your sarcasm unit must be experiencing some difficulties, because it isn't clear at all what you meant.

Why wouldn't a Gauss gun have recoil? Momentum is conserved, so whatever mass is fired is going to have some force in the opposed direction.

At least as I understood it, that was always the next question after this one. Most people tend to kill the 1 for the many in the first case, whereas when you actually have to push the guy it flips the other way. People don't like to pull the trigger even when they want it pulled.

For starters, it's a fallacy to say this merger should be approved since that one was. The Delta/Northwest merger could have been a total screw up in being approved, but that has no bearing on the merits of T-Mobile/AT&T deal. And really, I'm not sure why you're so set on these mergers being all that similar. At the

There are benefits to nitrogen filled tires, but a smoother ride isn't one of them. Why would a Nitrogen filled tire behave noticeably different than one filled with 78% nitrogen? Nitrogen does seep out slower than normal air, and under inflated tires do ride differently, but a properly air-filled tire should be all

What is it that you think anti-competitive means? Removing T-Mobile as a competitor lessens consumer choice in an important way, because T-Mobile's offerings are quite distinct from Verizon, Sprint's, and AT&T's. All it takes to figure that out is a trip over to their website and a glance at their prices and contract

Somebody ought to gift this to the Kerbal Space Program team for the holidays.

It's hardly "duh." It's often easier for companies to just hand out a few of their newest model than dig back into the pits of their warehouses to scrounge up something as old as these Nanos. They came out 6 years ago, personally I'm astounded that they either a) still have parts for these or b) bothered to stamp out

I think you're getting tied to the idea of "best" as one without qualifiers, when in reality we often have to qualify it. The actual "best" car for me in terms of capability and performance might be a particular BMW. But given the extra cost, I may instead buy something cheaper. Now that cheaper vehicle may in all

I may be wrong here, but I think that Amazon always offers a 1 month free trial of Prime. But yeah, that's part of what makes the Fire so powerful for them.

What's also a bad idea? Writing a comment that includes a condescending sexist turn-of-the-tongue like "Sorry darlin'" on an article that refers to condescending sexist remarks by police officers.

The point is that if the design isn't unique to Apple, then Samsung didn't do anything wrong. If that form factor and basic look is intrinsic to tablets in general...well that's what Samsung is trying to show.

$1 million or $5 million, the spirit of the quote is still the same: that the point at which your life really, fundamentally changes is far below the billion mark.

You totally missed my point. It isn't as if those things have a set price, or that the world's large-scale health and social projets end after just those 3. Instead of just giving throwing that $2 billion away so that a few people can experience a wealthy life style, he should continue to spend it like he is.

You're completely missing the point. He's not saying that $1 billion buys you the same things $1 million does: that would be ludicrous. What he's saying is that practically speaking, your life doesn't change fundamentally with that extra money. You don't have a problem feeding your family, you don't have a problem