Only Slightly Bent

Black people aren’t systematically oppressed because they don’t have money; they don’t have money because they are systemically oppressed

Just go back the next week and try to get a different clerk.

Oh hey there common sense, it's nice to see you amongst the "slippery slope *something something * THEY WILL COME FOR YOU IN YOUR HOME" paranoia. There's a big difference between what can theoretically happen, and what practically speaking will. least you sort of tried to connect your rant to the story. I encourage you to check out her website where, surprise surprise, there is no mention or push for making lunches vegetarian. Of course that all happens, no one is saying otherwise. It's the balance of what usually goes on that's the issue. Anecdotes do not make for good statistics of systematic problems.

Yes, because Rachel Carson single-handedly kept Malaria alive and the world starving right? Overlooking the fact that a) that's a laughably huge amount of power to afford to an environmentalist b) if you're taking issue over DDT, it both wasn't banned for anti-malarial use AND mosquitos had evolved resistances to it

I have trouble believing much is going to be worthy of "study" here. If any of whatever they glean was all that important, it wouldn't be Red Bull footing the bill.

Is it honestly too much to ask to put up a poll about kinja? Or a Reddit AMA?

I turned it off for a bit to see how Kinja looks now, and boy it is it as bad as ever. Marginally less clicking but the offset (since comments aren't the same length) two column format is unbelievably stressful to my eye brains. Back to Kotaku Fix for me.

Not androgynous, transgender, because that's what they identify as. Transgender can mean a lot of different things physically, but it's sort of a catch-all for those who aren't clearly of one gender or another and don't feel particularly like either (e.g. female brain, male body, etc.).

Not androgynous but transgender, big difference, because that's what this person chooses to identify as. You can't just peg somebody by how they look.

I meant "other perspective" more in the sense that there has lately (on Reddit) been a lot of abuse discussion from the viewpoint of the victim, and so this particular thread was really there to fill in that gap. But yes, you're right.

I'm sorry but the comparison here is all screwed up. For one, that AskReddit with all the rapists was an attempt to try and hear the other perspective we rarely hear. It wasn't meant to be supportive, just enlightening. Everyone was told they shouldn't downvote people willing to share, even if the stories were

I'd imagine you kick up a lot less dust with the rockets 60ft up than if they ended up only inches above the ground. I don't think dust is an absolute on/off phenomenon. And the sky crane wasn't used just to avoid dust - it allowed the rover to be smaller/lighter, and removed the danger of it not being able to drive

You realize Curiosity didn't just fly itself there on power right? If not, the analogy goes WHOOOOSH.

It isn't overly's the most feasible way to land something as big as Curiosity is. It's too big to bounce on inflated cushions, parachutes don't really work in the Martian atmosphere, and mounting retro-rockets on the rover would take up precious space and weight.

Completely agreed. It pains me that the other comments mentioning the Volt haven't brought this up. The distance fallen between concept and production car is gigantic, when you consider how cool the concept great the tech all sounded...and how expensive and bland the final vehicle ended up being.

Except they sold hoards of them.

It's hard for me to imagine a $100,00+ car fizzling out. It's not like they're ever selling millions of them. Besides, the point of the Roadster is to allow them to go downmarket with the following sedan, and then into the average consumer space after that. And anyways, the costs of producing the batteries absolutely

CPR can get the heart pumping again, it just doesn't happen very often. Very lucky that this appears to be one of those rare times.