Only Slightly Bent

For a community that’s fighting for acceptance and inclusion, they sure seem to be taking a page from the people they say are oppressing them.

I would take you less time to Google why Rowling is transphobic than it took you to type out this comment, much less expect someone to reply to it.

“Just live somewhere cheaper!” is almost always a bad take. He likes living in Los Angeles, and can afford to continue to do so. Good for him. He brought the criticism on himself with his years of red hot rhetoric, but that doesn’t make any of it reasonable. 

It’s just a willful misrepresentation of Socialism to imply that it’s mandated poverty for everyone. It’s a VERY FOX NEWS slant. As long as you’re actually contributing according to your income, then guess what? You’re still participating in socialism! Ta daaaaaa.... But firm grasps on issues and calm understanding

I’ve never really been bothered by the champagne socialists. You do you so long as you keep spreading the word and don’t bitch about taxes.

Don’t really care if some raise it in “bad faith” quite frankly, it’s an excuse to distract from behaviour that is objectively bad regardless.

It’s true, he could have 100% changed and there’s definitely room to say the higher-ups made a quick decision that probably has to do more with saving face than it does making a safe environment. If anything, I think statements from his co-workers would be the most important information in all of this. They’d have a

I’m one of those 5 people who enjoyed the motion controls in the original. My main issue with the game was always the stealth parts, which I remember being incredibly annoyed with. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure that can’t be fixed.

Funny how none of those cryptos are the big movers and shakers in town, thus meaning that the point the article makes is still utterly valid. As long as Bitcoin and Ethereum (and yes of course, Ethereum is just about to go Proof of Stake definitely any day now) are Proof of Work, this means nothing more than going

Also, Asimov wrote a bunch of them when he was like 19-20, which might explain why there are almost no female characters (never a great strength of his) and everyone just comes off like a disembodied talking head.

The weird thing is that the Uncharted games aren’t just better animated than the Rockstar games, they also feel more responsive. It’s kind of weird how bad the Rockstar games are in that area. They look terrible, and they feel terrible. Usually, you pick one of the two: either you prioritize animation quality, or you

So maybe comment in that article instead?

Yeah! Everyone knows only one opinion can be held about a game, and as soon as you have it, that’s it, no more opinions or nuance left to be formed. Boo for enjoying a game and also criticizing some features of it!

You’re assumption, grounded on absolutely nothing, is that her consent, or in this situation, specific lack thereof is null and void because ‘club rules’.

“Consenting to one thing doesn’t mean you consent to everything” is, like, 101-level and you still managed to fail. 

This is laughable on its face. Not only does it have absolutely nothing to do with what he is actually accused of doing, it doesn’t even correspond to the actual problems plaguing Whedon’s work.

I wonder why Meaghan didn’t go to her doctor for mental health support and referral. 

I really don't have to give money to people who, all things considered, would really be okay with me being killed.

Idk why, but this comment triggered the memory of the teacher who stopped a school shooter by hugging him and now I’m crying all over again.

This isn’t a case of him liking pineapples on pizza, this is a case of morality. Yes theres plenty of shitty people out there working on all sorts of cool stuff, and what we’re doing here is trying to make sure that big corporations understand that hiring people like him or taking on projects from people who think