@Aaron Crabtree: I agree, but I'm not even sure that I'm faster on a QWERTY pad than T9. Yeah, it's easier to input stranger words using a QWERTY, but for raw speed on simple phrases...man T9 was fast for what it was working with
@Aaron Crabtree: I agree, but I'm not even sure that I'm faster on a QWERTY pad than T9. Yeah, it's easier to input stranger words using a QWERTY, but for raw speed on simple phrases...man T9 was fast for what it was working with
@Lord_Data ∞: T9 and predictive input on a touchscreen smartphone solve different problems. One is primarily for speed, the other for accuracy. I too don't like heavy-handed prediction on my touchscreen keyboard, but how could you not like T9 when the only other option is double and tripple tapping keys?
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.2: What a fantastic little brick of a phone. Worked great, dropped it all over the place without any damage, and the camera was steller for the time.
@ArmoredCavalry: Ah, much better. Your previous comment didn't remove the possibility that you were using this fact as an excuse to avoid moving to alternatives. And yeah, if you meant it in this manner then my analogy falls pretty flat.
@Maxichamp: Which have been running around thus far not [noticeably] poisoning people and generally being f*&$ing nuts.
@ArmoredCavalry: Weird logic. That's sort of like all the 1st graders in a class deciding that since the bullies will keep stealing their lunches whatever they do, they might as well join in with the bullies and take people's lunches too. Because hey, if someone else won't stop when you do, why bother...?
This reminds me of Tale of Tales, plus a lot of color, and minus the wolf
@FlameCell: At least Harry Potter is enjoyable to read
@clipseGTS: One of the best Oatmeal strips I've ever seen. That's exactly how it is, down to the face contorted with agony covered in spiders.
AMOLED supplies can't be so bad that HTC can't even sell one phone with the tech. WP7 is the perfect UI for it, what with all the bright colors on black backgrounds.
@chefgon: Especially considering how much black is used in WP7. It's the perfect application for AMOLED - bright colors and power-saving black everywhere.
@sneakypoo: Because if it isn't radio waves, we really don't know how to find them. As to the reason we primarily look for radio waves as opposed to higher frequencies, it takes less power to throw a radio wave really far than it does for micro, x, gamma, or any other higher spectrum wave.
@neMouse: I think you're reading a bit too much into this particular Twitter client. Yes, you do seem to have to scroll left or right to reach things that could also be accomplished by a button. But it isn't as if WP7 can't have buttons, and if I remember using a Zune correctly you can scroll the title bar, so you'd…
@Hackholm: I've been with Android since the beginning and I'm open to switching if WP7 keeps looking so good.
@xd.Balls: The lag doesn't really make sense, but you also can't determine how it will run on actual hardware from this. It's clearly an emulator and who knows, major the emulator is really slow.
@neMouse: Apple did not try this. Having a grid of icons swipe-able left and right is not the same as what WP7 is doing. In the "People" hub for example, swiping rightwards from the contact list will bring you to "What's new" section for social networking updates from those same people.
This is not the economic environment for more Lego stories Giz. I'm taking it hard enough as is without you reminding me of those....hypnotic...bricks
@badbob001: I wouldn't put any money on a prediction like that. Granted it is on T-mobile so the customer base isn't as large as the others, but the phone itself is at the highest end of Android right now thanks to Scorpion AND runs a stock build of the platform.
My poops chase each other too but no one has filmed that. Why?
Yes, the major sites cater to a general set of American moral standards, but that's because you're looking at an American portion of the web. There are plenty of American and non-Western-averse users who will find this satisfying. On the other hand, if you don't good for you! Because other places on the web already…