Only Slightly Bent

@Tweeks: Spoken like a real Christopher Nolan

I sniff a new meme. Refute points? Why do that when you can just...

@LankySean: I'd bet a baby it'll be 800x480. As for screen tech my guess is one of the new Sony SLCD's, since AMOLED displays are so hard to come by.

@Almightywhacko: As other have gotten at, faster chips don't = worse battery life. Realistically they will be the same or better due to, die shrinkage, multiple cores, and somewhat counter-intuitively faster operation (the faster you get something done, the sooner you can rest).

@Jack Musick: Gigahertz isn't everything, but all the same it's worth considering the differences faster chips make. Compare the Nexus One to the Droid or the iPhone 4 to the 3GS, and it's clear why people would think that.

Too many people have too many heads jammed way too far up their asses. I'm not sure whether to scream or cry when I am reminded of how fucking stupid the world is with its wealth.

@Canoehead: Taxes are about whatever you make them to be, Socialist, Conservative, or otherwise. We clearly feel differently about how and why taxes should be implemented, and there is no sense in arguing about it.

@Canoehead: That's a good point. But that doesn't say to me that a flat tax is a good idea - in my mind it still leaves the problem that 20% of $1,000,000 isn't going to impact your quality of life like 20% of $25,000.

@Nebula Octon: Did well? I'm sorry, but that's just not backed up by reality. I don't even know where I should refer you to besides not-everything-in-the-news-is-a-lie. This isn't a partisan issue either: Republicans referring to the oil spill as "Obama's Katrina" implies that the Katrina response was bungled, since

@Scaramanga: I didn't realize that. Hmm. Having already made a dismissive comment up above, I'm gonna shut my mouth now.

@bobbiac: There is no explanation, you've nailed the problem. While having a 4th color could be awesome, when none of the input was shot with that in ain't gonna work.

@Kaspir: False comparison. Katrina's problem should have been manageable, as FEMA exists for that sole purpose. The government dropped the ball on providing resources - a human-centric problem.

@Cameron Barker: That's debatable. The rich may be better equipped to utilize loop holes in the tax code, but it's not as if they don't pay taxes - you can't avoid everything. And that doesn't even touch the issues with a flat tax - does it really make sense for the wealthy and poor to each pay the same percentage,

@cc: I forgot exactly where I read this concept broken down, but as it turns out more Ghz does not mean worse battery life in these sorts of smartphones.

@josh.geallis: Flashback to 2007: when most in-home internet connections weren't as fast as T-Mobile's 14.2mbps HDSPA+ network.

@dimich.: I'd say yes. I use Mail for my college email, Gmail for my personal one, and it's no contest. To organize in Mail I have to decide how to file emails away in folders and keep my inbox tidy. In Gmail, I can quickly star or label multiple items, and archive things I don't care about.

@brijazz: As someone else already alluded to, the court costs of putting someone to death can far outweigh the cost of housing them for life in prison. And this is reasonable: you don't want to half-ass a court case where you can't release someone later if new evidence comes to light.

@Trez: It's more expensive to put someone through the death penalty process than it is to house them for life, once you factor in the drawn-out court costs.