@MacBandit: But on the other hand (yeah I did) your hands are likely not equally dextrous, and so it makes sense for different inputs to be under different hands.
@MacBandit: But on the other hand (yeah I did) your hands are likely not equally dextrous, and so it makes sense for different inputs to be under different hands.
@talkingstove: But Bing is a prime example of that not being true. Consider the recent changes that Google has made, arguably for the better: streamlined image search, customizable homescreen backgrounds, improved flight and other contextual information.
@Twisted-Pigeon: Definitely not all bad. I loved the original Zune ads. This one especially
@CDubber: Do you? The truly anticompetitive phase of Microsoft busted around the same time as the internet. The allusions to the Microsoft of a decade ago from the Apple of today aren't without merit. Apple does much of what Microsoft used to do. Companies change.
@MacBandit: While I do find the symmetry of the Playstation controller intriguing, symmetry is not synonymous with ergonomic
@TanyaRei: Maybe it's just me, but saying something as authoritative as "the majority" without any facts to back you up seems just as trollish as you think the author's being.
@aelhues: Socialism doesn't mean you don't have freedom. We can interpret freedom in many different ways. One could be a land without government at all, where our "freedom" is spent foraging all day every day. Another could be a social democracy like Sweden, where yes, on an individual level I am less responsible for…
@aelhues: This isn't about taking over our economy though.
The hell kind of zoo is this? An indoor concrete box with very little natural light and no plant life, where people laugh and use flash photography at this Panda trying to escape that awful pen? They might just be better off extinct
@Anrkist: Shitty parents? Bah! His dad isn't in the picture and his mom is rumored to be shopping around movie rights. They sound lovely
@Tycho Vhargon: I don't know, that was one crazy orgasm fit it had at the end
@RomanForest: This is fantastic. I can't believe somebody combined my two favorite things - Harry Potter and the Inception BBUUUUUMMMMMMM noise
@J France: There really should be. But I suppose it wouldn't go well with their keyboard, since they no longer have folding legs underneath to change the angle.
Why is it that this input device must too tilt towards me, instead of away? I'm not sure if anyone has taken a look at a human lately, but it takes a lot less tension to bend the wrist down than up.
@FormallyCasual: You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but too hard to hold? The thing's nearly the physical size and weight of a paperback and a third of a inch thick. And Amazon is the largest bookseller in the world, which is hardly a bitch.
@knyghtryda: I'd go for the return if I were you (though the Kindle 2's contrast is by no means a dealbreaker). Especially if you don't plan on buying too many books straight from Amazon, since that's the real benefit of the whispernet service.
@Akio Morita: On the plus side, it's the largest content provider, so it's a pretty safe investment.
@Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets: Look, I have a different opinion than you, and I don't think that all you've said is "very evident between the two vehicles." I'm not trying to argue that the Volt isn't the car for you. I'm saying that the Leaf is not a lesser car, because you apparently value different…
@Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets: I understand what a bargain is, but I don't understand what sort of point you're trying to make with the Leaf/Volt. Especially since being a "bargain" doesn't preclude the item having "value."
@sirmeili: But that's what I find so odd: that it's so common to consider the mining and production of large batteries for hybrids, but not say, the extra metal needed for larger engines in traditional gasoline vehicles. It just seems very pick-and-choose when to pay attention to the carbon costs of mining and…