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ok i absolutely had to track down wtf that emma stone dancing to french music sketch was in its entirety, so for anyone else on that wavelength too: et voilà

this was my go-to comfort film for a solid 5 years, at least. i’m so happy to learn other fans are out there!!!

ugh getting to eat a TC event is mY DREAM. i’m still upset i missed when they filmed in boston!!!

malarkey still being here is definitely the ??? both him & leanne have been on the bottom a lot. stephanie has worried me the past couple episodes but this episode was a reminder that my boston girl is STRAIGHT FIRE when she isn’t doubting herself 

I think this episode (along with the last one? or a few ago? I forget) actually helped highlight to me why the Trip/Pearl relationship works. Yes, she finds him hot. But more than anyone else in her life, Trip listens to Pearl. Everyone else is pushing their own expectations onto her (especially Moody); Trip allows

I’m glad Bill got to shine in the courtroom – this episode more than ever you feel the weight of a lifetime married to Elena.

I really enjoy the layers brought to Elena via the show and AnnaSophia Robb’s performance. I do wonder about all the changes they’ve made to Mia though – I guess at the core her story is the same, but it seems insanely hypocritical to champion “a baby needs to be with her mother” when she stole her baby away from her

Okay I remember book!Mia being much more empathetic in the book, too. I get that what Lexie did was gross and terrible, but she’s also a kid? It feels like Mia is using the kids to work out her resentments towards Elena, which just isn’t fair to them.

I read the book a few years ago so my memorized are fuzzy, but I agree I liked that Tripp called Pearl out. It brings a lot of depth to his character. We can Tripp & Moody are very different people who may never be friends, but Tripp clearly loves his brother in his own (dumb, teen boy) way.

I truly cannot get over the eerie casting of the Richardson kids. Are we sure neither of them are related to each other or to Witherspoon or Jackson?!??

i just wanna say the faces you chose to screenshot were 1000% my favorite faces made during this episode so they better reappear

I’ll admit, in the end I was rooting for Adrienne. I was skeptical of her for awhile but as I lost a lot of my faves (Tu early on, Fati rip, then finally Carrie), Adrienne came into her own and really killed it. I agree this is the most creative finale in recent history, and this is the way to go – gimmicks are for

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In case anyone’s interested, that lovely piece of music:

came to find this after (I'm pretty sure) "a satisfying addition to the summer schedule" was used as a pullquote in the season 2 trailer!! out of context critical mass ftw

In case anyone has yet to mention it, Adam Kaufman's most important contribution to Rob Thomas canon was being Veronica's FBI handler in unaired season 4 pilot!!!

I'm watching this finale 2 months late for various reasons, but oh my god. I agree with a lot of what was said here (re: Shirley vs Brooke, Brooke's pettiness, etc) but like I cried? Multiple times??? I don't know if it's the wine or the fact that those family reunions were truly beautiful. Shirley wins no matter

correct me if I'm wrong, I feel like Padma has definitely cooked before?

I love Sam and I root for Sam but LCK background Sam is legitimately one of my favorite things

I'm so sad Jim is gone. Also I'm sorry you can't bring up the Nick sending Stephanie home incident (STILL FOREVER SALTY ABOUT THIS, Stephanie I love you) and not include Nick on your list of villains.

"too hard on Katie Joel" is impossible. we should thank all the chef gods they found Padma, who manages to be poised and calm and so artfully cruel when she wants to be (all while dressed fabulously)