
I think it started with the version of Radiohead’s “Creep” in the trailer for The Social Network

The “kids chorus covers a dark or subversive song” feels incredibly played out, but I’m somehow drawing a blank on other examples.

More than anything, I just hate the fucking score, as well as the fact that this is what all Broadway shows sound like now. It’s like the cast of Glee fucked the house band of a megachurch.

Odd that you wrote these so spoiler-heavy.

I appreciated that it had a happy ending. It does seem like a long time since we had a normal ending to a season.

This was my first season of the Bachelorette, after first watching the Bachelor last season--definitely enjoyed Tayshia the most out of the three leads I’ve seen so far. I’ve got Ivan pegged as the next Bachelor, but my friend I watch with thinks he’s more of a Paradise pick.

Could be worse. There could have been Sorting Underwear that figured out if you went to the boys’ dorm or the girls’ dorm.

I love a good multi-Doctor episode.  

I’m kind of surprised that Dakota Johnson didn’t use her famous parents to lean on the actors guild to stop Mackenzie Davis from dyeing her hair dark. 

I recently re-read the book (as I have many times) as a bit of quarantine comfort, and while I enjoy the film a lot, certain decisions that make the story more cinematic do rob it of some of its heart.

I loved the gang of Dead Prince’s Ghosts getting larger, with their obviously visible means of deaths, that kept growing and providing a snarky chorus to the goings-on.

It’s alright captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

The crew always knew about their captian.

Yeah, I’ve always really loved this movie.  It really does feel like a “modern” 80s fantasy movie, and I don’t think it’d have felt out of place if released alongside stuff like Princess Bride, Willow, Labyrinth, etc.  I enjoy it quite a bit more than the book it’s based on, actually, which is unusual for me.

I was SO EXCITED for this movie when it came out, and I still enjoyed it, but it was never quite as amazing as I wanted it to be. Michelle Pfeiffer fucking nails it though.

Now playing

I’ll watch Clare Danes in anything, so I went into this blind, and it charmed the pants off me. Even the early scenes with Sienna Miller have a coy spark that feel like Trisan will win her over. This was my first Matthew Vaughn movie (I even forgot he made this until just now), so he instantly got on my good graces

Lee Anne has simply not gotten out of first gear this season and has been fortunate that other people have been worse every time. Kind of surprising.

Yeah. This. He did just like listen to her and try to make her feel better about things. Also Pearl had been in search of like a normal, stable high school experience and dating the cute jock probably fell into that search. 

I’m wondering how much they’re going to deviate from the book in the ending. To be honest, I found the book ending kind of abrupt so I’m interested to see if it’s improved by the show.

I read the book just recently and you’re right. Mia was kind and loving and told her to stay as long as she needed. Mia also knew about the name switch and was still comforting to Lexie. In the book the comfort Mia shows Lexie makes Mia a better, more likable character.