
You’re right.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  Remember, these are concentration camps for children.  And that alone makes it worse than whatever happened in 1940s Germany. 

Alt Right Fascist DETECTED.  We were all the same level because everyone is equal and Soros didn’t give us our hankies he gave us money.  Nice try.  Just because I’m not a Antifa anymore doesn’t mean I will let a fascist slander them.

At some point you’re going to have to  accept defeat and move on.  I did.  It’s the healthy and natural thing to do.  

First they came for the “revenge porn” and I said nothing. I wasn’t into amateur pictures.

Whoa. Who is that guy? I’ve always wondered why Jay Z never freestyled. I guess he is unable? Then why does he claim to be better than Biggie? Biggie was the freestyling champ. Weird. I guess what they say is true: Jay Z is nothing but a sucker MC.

Ok, this is pretty worrisome.  I’m ok with a lot of what Trump is doing but I’ve always feared he would go after porn.  This is how it starts.

I was in Antifa for two months.  You want them, most of them, to mask up.  Lots of meth-teeth and meth-breath under those hankies. 

I was in Antifa for about two months after the election. 50% of the other anti-fascists were homeless drug addicts. 25% were regular drug addicts. 25% were randoms. I was in the last group, not that I have anything against being homeless and on drugs.

As a former Bernie supporter I totally get the #WalkAway movement. I stayed home on election day because Hillary really was that bad. You know, to be honest, I got really drunk on election day and when Trump won Wisconsin I was all smiles. He beat the woman that stole the nomination from Bernie by rigging the primary

There is an effort to bury Christmas along with the entirety of Western Culture of which Christianity is a gigantic part.  That said, as a former atheist myself I get it.  Culture, ideology, and belief systems are petty human ideals.  As a man of science, as a man of facts I take none of that seriously and do not care

Well I think that I did not.

Didn’t deserve the nomination he rightfully won? How... how does that work?

Better walk that back old man. We left joking territory about five paragraphs ago.

No. Dammit, no. What I was trying to say which it seems like you are trying to not understand is that I too do not - not - like Trump.  I don’t like him.  Ok?  We’re the same there.  What I said was that he’s done a lot of the things that made me support Bernie and not vote for Hillary.  I don’t like Trump but I don’t


Atheism relies entirely on the “burden of proof” fallacy where all non-atheists must prove the entirety of their belief system else the atheist wins. It’s for adolescents.

As he should.  Listen it’s time to move on.  I too once believed that Russia had something to do with Trump getting elected.  Then I realized I was a conspiracy theorist and started thinking about taxes and the economy - two areas where Trump has done exactly what Bernie said he was going to do.

Big Bang WTF? People still believe that?

Whose the guy in the MAGA hat over her left shoulder.

As a former Bernie supporter who now realizes that Trump is doing some actually lit things for the average man in this country let me say that whatever Mueller has on Trump he’s got to share it.