
As a former atheist - currently exploring agnosticism - I can verify that there may not be a “war” on Christmas but there certainly is an attempt to erase it from public life. Agnosticism truly is the enlightened way. It’s totally objective whereas atheism is a constant battle trying to prove that something doesn’t

I knew it.

Way too much text.  Is he a Nazi yes or no?  Quick rundown PLASE.

My grandparents are always telling me to watch this show but I never have.  More of a Rick and Morty fan.  

Doesn’t excuse what they allegedly did.  Plus what good is a bodycam if it’s always turned off?

Alright here’s where we stand. It’s 2018 and Trump won because Bernie wasn’t allowed to have the nomination he rightfully won. That being the case we are now stuck with an immigration policy that is the opposite extreme of what Hillary would have done.

No trolling. No trolling. Your the troll. I’m just being honest that Trump has done some good stuff. Hillary would have been really bad for the middle class.

Was this before or after police had to wear bodycams?

Well, I can only speak for myself but my taxes and my family’s taxes are way down and my pay is up because of the economy.  I still have a lot of complaints about Trump but so far my actual daily life has gotten better.  Maybe not as good as it would have been under Bernie, who would have beat Trump pretty easily, but

Queers are so funny.

I’ve been thinking alot about the refugee question. On the one hand all people are equal and all people deserve a safe society with a really plush safety net for themselves and their extended families and close friends. On the other hand I’m a blue collar guy and don’t want my wages to fall because ten million

I thought Trump was gonna ban weed everywhere and increase penalties and jail time.  He didn’t.  He’s actually just like Bernie on this issue.

Usually the cops turn the bodycams off when there about to commit a crime against the people.  Same thing happened with Harith Augustus.  They turn there bodycams off when he’s discussing the situation with them and showing his CC permit and then shoot him and then turn them back on.

This is so sick. Honestly, I thought that having Trump as president meant that free weed was gonna go away and Colorado was gonna be totally effed. Boy was I wrong. Free weed is allowed in even more states now and to top it off most police forces aren’t even really policing weed anymore.