
In the region. Israel is our greatest ally in the region because it’s full of white people who oppress brown people.

If you’re being serious then this made sense of everything.

Except over half of Jews in Israel are Sephardic or Mizrahi (aka from North Africa or the Middle East). They’re indistinguishable from Arabs. Are Arabs also white now?

She needs her crack smoking, racist ass kicked BACK to Tel Aviv.

She seems... nervous. Like, she’s gonna start scrathing imaginary bug bites soon, or she’s having a manic episode. 

Super good job throwing Michelle Wolf under the bus to stick up for this woman, everyone. 

So if that lady in the doorway was Palestinian, she would have just stoned her to death. Thank old testament god that she was “only” black. /s

Someone should tell her she no longer lives in an apartheid state.

Was legit about to post a comment about this, she clearly isn’t from NYC because nobody I grew up with would dare walk out on a gross NYC sidewalk without some kind of cover on your feet

Yup, somehow cops still get a pension and a good union, while everyone else is subject to right-to-work bullshit. 

That was for Melania.  Melania is a half-wit.

Bern, Pocahontas and Darling Queen Ocasio-Cortez need to GTFO.  They’re destroying our beloved Democratic party.


Wrong.  Hillary will be our first female president.

More of these reports are going to come out as time goes on. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if it eventually came out that one of the kids died.

melania doesnt care.
