
The craziest part of the Q Anon thing is that he/she literally explains how Trump paid Russia to help him win the election, including promising to divulge national secrets once he won, and the Trumpets still don’t believe that Russia has taken over the United States and destroyed our democracy.

This is exactly why voter ID laws don’t work.  The govt can’t even reunite parents with there kids.  How are they gonna identify voters?

It’s all in the Talmud if you care to read about it. Jewish superiority is not just doctrine, it’s mandated.  It is the head of the white supremacy snake.  Weird rabbit hole to go down but if you’re interested start with the Talmud. 

Neurotic self-importance.  Comes standard.

So I guess you’re saying that she’s a Jewish Latinx woman?  Could be the case.  But everyone is saying she’s white which implies she’s from Israel. 

Can’t view the link.  What does it say/imply?

That back and forth between Jim Acosta and Smoke Faced Sarah was so staged it was frightening.  Starting to think that CNN is controlled opposition. 

Right?  When Acosta apologized to her for “having to go through that” it was pure cringe.  Whose side is that guy on?

I honestly wish we could jail Trump and every single one of his supporters.  

I was never on Jim’s side. He’s a crypto-fascist masquerading as a Latinx center-right Democrat. Not fooling me.

Here’s where we stand: Everyone on Twitter is saying that her name is Torres now, this was confirmed by another few burners here and also the Daily Mail. Nobody on Twitter is budging that she moved to NYC from Tel Aviv a couple months ago though. Maybe she was born in NYC and was just moving back? I have no idea.

Someone on Twitter told me that was her name.  Sorry for believing an anonymous source.  You can’t blame me on this one.  Any casual observer would believe that. 

Rosenfeld... I remember that guy.  I try to remain objective about these things but that guy Rosenfeld struck me as a clear af murderer.  He was itching for his opportunity and he got it.  Apparently Rosenfeld comes from a really wealthy family.  I hope the Rose family takes all of it. 

I’m no fan of his politics but I can’t hate on this man. He’s a brilliant, talented surgeon and a role model for all of us. He was the first and only person in the history of the world to successfully separate twins conjoined at the back of the head. He was the first to conduct brain surgery on a baby inside the womb.

Huh?  What are you talking about?  Israel is our greatest ally.

No she isn’t.  She’s a white Jewish person from the Middle East.

She’s definitely not Latinx. 

In NYC, sure. Disgusting. In Tel Aviv, a little different. They can afford to keep things sanitary. They’ve got a really strong economy despite the fact it’s just a tiny strip of sand with no oil surrounded by enemies. Really amazing success story.

Ivan, I totally get that Rosenstein can’t hand over all of Mueller’s evidence but why can’t he respond to requests for info the DoJ has had on hand for years now?  I want the Russia conspiracy to be true but how long can I believe something with no evidence?  I’m atheist for a reason. 

Just do a Google Image Search for “Tel Aviv Sidewalks” and take a look for yourself. They’re pristine. Must be all that American Aid we sent them each year. Haha.