
Thanks.  I haven’t quite figured this place out yet and am still learning. 

She grew up in Tel Aviv and recently moved to NYC.

Pretty sure I recognize the unnamed racist woman from my days in BKLYN. Highly likely as this person was extremely racist too.

TLDR - all he had to do was stfu.

He’s a hero. 

Sometimes Anti-Social...

The DNC treats black Americans the same as they did back in the 1800s: subjects.

I’m sorry but I cannot support slave owners.

This is exactly why I supported Bernie - an independent - and not Hillary Clinton - racist DNC operative.

Common tactic. Hillary said she wasn’t going to run either and then she did. If you telegraph your run you give the enemy mucho time to prepare.

I grew up in Bolton, North Carolina. It’s a small town on the banks of Lake Waccamaw that most people never heard of. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t. It’s not far from Asheville, and most of us growing up in Bolton had dreams of what the city life there was like. For now though we had to settle for the small time, drinking

Oh right.  Whoops sorry.  Yeah she’s a idiot for sure.

Don’t you dare lump Bern in with those two sellouts.  Take it back ASAP.

Michelle Obama has three PhDs and went to some of the best schools available.  You stand corrected.

Dairy milk is disgusting. Soy milk is the way of the future.

Fun fact about wireless chargers: They charge you too.

Wrong. Hillary is going to jail pronto. What she did to Bern was unforgivable.

Ugh. Pains me to say this but, as a former Bernie supporter I have to back Hannity on this one. CNN was essentially an extension of Hillary’s campaign and gave Bern zero coverage.

Fernando was hired by Melania.

On the left, an illegal immigrant con artist grifter enabler plagiarizer.