One Way Monkey

I’d like to add that Congress Critters have a Washington DC office and an office in their home state so make sure to call both. Be civil but be clear you don’t like this unethical behavior and will call the Republican party to account during the 2018 election.

Contacting representatives that support you is also important, they track numbers of calls and many many former congressional staffers have said that supportive calls aid in moral and embolden the representatives so keep calling and calling, call so much you know the staff do that when you don’t agree they also know

Progressives in republican strongholds have more leverage than anyone, because representatives only care about constituents who can primary them. Call to demand a rigorous ethics review process for cabinet appointees in general, and call about specific picks who are categorically inappropriate for their file, such as

That said, outbound plane tickets from DCA, BWI, and IAD are sold out.

wtf is a dress shop? when in the fuck did i happen upon 1917?

The haberdasheries are all out of haberdash!

Why would all of the celebrities coming to DC purchase their dresses in the city? I mean, most of them probably live in places like NYC and LA; wouldn’t they purchase their dresses in their hometowns, and then bring them to DC? Some many questions....

That’s...already obvious though?

Not really seeing how great of an impact this will have when Russia’s chosen puppet takes office in less than a month, and will reverse everything.

That, but a not insignificant part is the fact that Bringing Down the Clintons was every press outlet’s unicorn. Every reporter/journalist chased that shit.

Yet true.

For whatever reason, there’s been a longstanding difficulty in her relationship with the press that meant her flaws were wildly amplified

How is that cat so calm? I have a cat who loves water (will get as close to the shower as possible when it’s on), but if we try to bring him in the shower or near the tub while it’s full, he goes into attack mode.

“You know who doesn’t like Nina? People who suck.”

Thank you and One Way Monkey for bringing this beautiful man and his cats into my life

OK, that is one of the best things I have ever seen. But Ravioli (lol) is one of the best behaved cats being subjected to a bath I have ever seen. My cats are sweet little angels, and yet if I wanted to bathe one I’d need to don a hazmat suit for the scratchings that would ensue.

Thank you for alerting me to the existence of the Cat Rapper. He is delightful.

Now playing

I just found out about Moshow a couple days ago! What a guy.

I saw Kedi at the Seattle International Film Festival a while back and LOVED IT. It was beautifully done and enjoyable for more than just the cats (as if that’s not enough!). It’s a fantastic look at Istanbul at a personal level, I loved the feel that I was exploring various parts of the city, meeting various

you made my day thank you