One Way Monkey

This made me laugh then it made me cry.

I’ll have you know that this stuff works quite well. Just the other day my supervisor was explaining that... well, she was saying something about numbers or whatever. I flailed my arms wildly and frantically screamed “WHERE DO YOU COME FROM!? WHERE DO YOU COME FROM!?” in her face. I am now CEO.

I’m a Democrat and I like to play dirty!

YES. This is one of my biggest problems with democrats—they don’t fight back. They don’t want to play dirty. And so they get ran over time and again. This is not the time to “give Trump a chance” this is a time to listen to what Trump told us he believes and believe him.

Call the Election Board of the Secretaries of State for MI, WI and PA

I don’t care if it causes riots and chaos. The first 2 weeks of trump have shown that we could have a literal nazi facist on our hands. Appeasement didn’t work in hitlers era and I hope that the democrats are ready to fight.

Yes. The representatives work for the people! We are their boss! Not enough people know this!

Thing is while I agreed with that argument for Gore and Kerry, it’s different this time, because the benefit of not having a politician whose views you disagree with is not worth the risk of destroying faith in the electoral system but now there’s less faith in the system to start with (between the Trumpists’ view

Also call the DOJ and ask them to audit election results in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. (202) 353-1555. You can leave a message at that number.

Yes! This is the way to say it—it’s not about who won and who lost so much as it is sending a message to any foreign power that we aren’t going to ignore anomalies.

Here’s something you can do to help. The Department of Justice is tallying phone calls regarding those who want the 2016 Vote audited. A shift of just 55,000 Trump votes to Hillary in Pennsylvania,Michigan and Wisconsin is all that is Needed to Win.

the mere act of requesting a recount would send her opposition into a hate frothed frenzy.

I did this on line last night, and my reps’ phone numbers, as well as the House Oversight Committee’s number, were delivered directly to my phone. The House number is particularly important right now, because they are tallying calls as to whether or not to convene a bipartisan committee to review Trump’s finances,

DO IT. If Secretary Clinton’s campaign put up a Go Fund Me to pay for the costs involved, I’m sure they’d be funded by morning.

But it feels like a long shot at best and sadly, nothing more.

NEW BEST CASE SCENARIO: the incompetent, chaotic, right-hand-doesn’t-know-what-the-left-is-doing flailing of this transition will continue throughout Trump’s presidency and he will not be able to get a single thing done before the Senate is won back in 2018.

No puppet, no puppet. You’re the puppet.

My grandmother is an 89-year-old, black woman. She doesn’t leave the house much anymore because she’s sick a lot but she got up to vote for Obama and she’s up today to vote for Hillary. It’s a blessing to be able to watch her experience such progress.

Subjecting people to ideological purity tests (like this article does) is what’s suspect. You act as if the only possible way someone could not agree with Kaepernick’s protest is if they are a full-fledged bigot.

Her friendship with Scalia reflects a trait that’s now viewed as a weakness, but is actually more or less

Why? Or are you one of these people who can only be friends with people who hold the same political beliefs? How boring. And how insecure you must be in your beliefs that you can only tolerate the company of the like-minded.