One Way Monkey


Justin my pants amiiiiriiiiite?!?!?!

YES. maybe we should start a support group for people in love with Bernie because, seriously, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.

You guys... I think I’m in love with Bernie. I DGAF who knows it anymore!

Bernie is basically america’s favorite hoody. A little worn out, totally worn in, too old to care about appearances, and an intrinsic statement on income inequality.

Bernie has always been of that age.

I agree. Donate some tampons and pads to a women’s shelter. They need stuff like that. Putting a black spot on your hand will do fuck all to help domestic violence victims.

You didn’t miss much. The Entertainment and Banking industries are going well, controlling the weather is iffy.

Pssst, Kanye, one of the things my fellow Jews told me at our latest meeting is to not say something “Sounds gay”.

“ If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

Anybody seen this awesomeness going around?

OMG yes. “What are your diet/workout habits? How do you stay in shape? Do you have a stylist? Who are you wearing? Is it hard to do your job when your man-feelings get too strong?”

Meanwhile, [FIRE EMOJI]

Now playing

Good riddance! He can go back to servicing the Koch Bros. for cash.

republicans rn be like

There are 6 scheduled. The first is 10/13.

I’m going to be honest, I haven’t really thought about it super critically. It’s just that everyone acts like a Hillary nomination is inevitable. Also, being from the deep south, it’s hard to imagine someone like Bernie winning the general election. We like our democrats pretty conservative. I live in a blue county in

I like the way you think.

So an article he wrote 40 years ago, citing several studies from that time period? That’s it?

bernie was sassy as fuck last night