One Way Monkey

I agree, but I just can’t with people who are actually taking it personally and getting legit angry about it. If their self worth is THAT tied up in being a parent to a child it points to some problems with them, not with Cattrall. It’s not like she’s snatching up their children saying “yes, I am your mother now”.

Ugggghhhhh, this ridiculous, hair-trigger outrage is exhausting to me. Kim probably has done more for her “children” than my father ever did for me, and yet, people don’t get angry when he calls himself a parent. So she’s not a biological parent. Why does it matter? I’m baffled that this is even a story.

I nursed my sister through her high-risk pregnancy and helped raise my nephew. I did it full time (raised my nephew) from 6 months when my sister had to return to work to 3 yo when we enrolled him in preschool so she wouldn’t have to worry about a stranger raising her child. I contribute in financial, emotional and

I’m not seeing what’s so terrible about this, either. It’s not even that new of a concept. It’s not such an uncommon idea that a woman who doesn’t have biological children might take joy in raising nieces and nephews, or mentoring young people, or being a stepparent. For all the people who fret about family values,

But do you really think women don’t know that? Do you really think these women are telling Maytonilla anything she doesn’t know? But for some reason, they feel the need to tell Mayotonilla she’ll regret not making the same choices as they did. I’m child free and have a career and I don’t feel any kind of need to tell

Whatever makes you or them think I do not know that? Don’t you think a career woman in her 30s is knowledgable on the things she wants? This attitude is part of what bothers me. I don’t go around telling women who were teenage moms that they need to talk to their kids about contraception because their kids are more

It’s always useful to remember that when people judge you for doing something that doesn’t hurt anyone, it often has much more to do with their feelings about their own lives than anything to do with you. My dad once referred to an older mother (early 40s) as “disgusting”. I was shocked. Now I understand that he was

Now I’m imagining a British constable finger puppet with an animated series:

Lately, I have found myself looking forward to checking Jez more than the Book of Faces. A friend once said that Twitter was for people you wished you knew, and Facebook was for people you used to know. I think Jez might be for people I actually like to know. I may never make it out of the grays, but I really like the

Off in the corner being shamed by the Bitchin’ Betty Barbie.

Fall is the best, obviously. Any other answer belies an underlying medical condition. See your doctor.

I don’t know, I’m generally very friendly and amiable, but the amount of bullshit I’ve put up with at the passport office has had me on the edge of screaming. For example, I had three consecutive passport photos rejected not because I was smiling, but because my face was too “smiley.”

Bradley Cooper is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo in love with all the press he’s getting from pretending to be sexually interested in Irina Shayk.

Wow, the feeding frenzy of irresponsible hackery continues. I know the kind of Clinton-Derangement-Syndrome clickbait this produces drives ad dollars, but christ, isn’t there any shame in peddling this same nonsense at some point, over and over again?

Nope. It has only recently been classified. It’s right there. Stop reading what you want to be, instead of what is. So far, this is another wild goose chase brought to you by a bunch of rubes who really want there to be a problem. I’m tired onto death of it all, and feel like this bullshit is killing any chance of

But, they’ve already confirmed that it was not, and only became classified after the fact. So. The whole point is that, at the time, it was okay. Then, it wasn’t, and they stopped doing it. The End. It’s just the latest non-scandal scandal after Benghazi.


Bullshit. They would have found something else to bitch about. I mean, considering how little this fucking matters, and they’re STILL managing to make a big deal out of it, I frankly don’t think any theoretical headaches could have been saved.

Can we just add FOX NEWS to the list of hate groups?