
You're very sweet. For now I have settled for spending time with the small children of friends and family. I'm 28, so I some times feel like the chance of me getting to have a child get smaller and smaller but I am still hopeful. Congratulations on your perfect little one, by the way.

So may I ask, as someone who is looking at entering the dating world again, what's the nicest and most unoffensive way to ask someone to get tested? This is fairly unrelated, but I am curious and would like the input if available.

While I have been less than impressed with previous popes, I really like "New Pope" and hope he continues to spread messages of love and tolerance. The world sorely needs it.

Wow, you made one giant, pathetic leap to attempt to make a point there. Allowing people's private, personal lives to remain that way is entirely different that allowing someone to be murdered and looking the other way. I really feel sorry for you that you aren't capable of making such a distinction. School must have

Your logic is so faulty it physically hurts. Clearly you missed the part about this site having no verification process for the information posted on it. Which means that anyone who gets pissed at someone can post their information and claim they were a "home wrecker" to try to ruin their life. So no, not fucking

This is true. But I do want to point out that since my getting out I have been going through the recovery process with the help of a domestic abuse center. I have met many abuse sufferers since then and have gained a lot of insight. I realize what I went through is common, and I have met several women who did cheat.

I feel like if we were a more primitive society we would try to consume her in order to harvest her secret power.

LOL Except you clearly either don't have the mental capacity for foresight or you're deluded enough to ignore it. Perhaps you missed the part where this site has no verification process of any kind for the information posted on it. Did you miss that part, honey? See, that means anybody out there with a grudge can post

Yeah, sorry but recognizing an action is wrong and going out of your way to publicly slut shame someone are two very different things. You can feel cheating is wrong without feeding into this sort of thing. I pity you that you cannot see the difference.

She is perfection personified. I seriously cannot find any fault with her what so ever. She also doesn't appear to age.

I just, personally, feel like the reasons another person got involved with the cheater have the ability to be nuanced and shades of gray. I have also seen people who delight in breaking up relationships and in cases like those I feel each party is equally at fault. But other times it isn't cut and dry and they may

If you truly feel her site is awesome, I truly feel sorry for you and your lack of higher level cognitive ability.

Sorry, but your logic is far too simplistic. Yes, both are "wrong". But the other man/woman may have not known about the spouse at the beginning. He/she may have been lied to and then feel they are in love and be unable to end the relationship once they know the truth. They may also be told it is an open relationship

I think the fact that she got to see him makes it all the more tragic and heart breaking. She saw how perfect he was and he looked okay to her and then he just... died with no hope or chance. Like she said, she was a mother for just a tiny time and then it was all gone. I just... it's so awful and I can't even

If you want to sleep with other people then either don't makes vows of fidelity or end the monogamous relationship before you screw other people. It really shouldn't be that hard. That being said, it's the cheater who deserves the vitriol, not the person they cheated with. Place blame where the blame is due.

Perhaps, but they noncomitted person is far less guilty that the one who made a vow of fidelity they have willingly chosen to break. They are breaking someone's trust as well as intentionally hurting them. The "side piece" may or may not be intentional in their hurting of another person, but they did not make any

This statement. Exactly this. It's also easier to reconcile the relationship if you place blame on an outside party instead of your SO.

Yes but it's far easier to blame someone else (ie sluts!!!!) than your significant other. Especially if you have dreams of reconciling with your significant other. And it is far easier to blame "sluts" than place blame on your significant other when they are pleading with you that they were ensnared by womanly charms

Oh, okay. Now, I guess the article doesn't say but if he was born alive and moving then is it that he likely died because his lungs weren't fully developed? If he was turning purple I would guess it would be something with that but I am no OB/GYN expert... The only miscarriages I am familiar with either happen very

But then we're not slut shaming! We can't have that!!!!