
Having never had a miscarriage myself, I am confused. She said the last she saw him was at the hospital when she was on the table. Do they not let you bury the remains, especially if you were that far along? Do they just dispose of the miscarried fetus like nothing ever happened?

I am so confused. What did I just watch?! Should I be scared? Entertained?

I'm curious, is having both breasts removed just common place treatment now? It seems like every story I read this is the treatment. Or do they just do that if it has spread? or what? I am confused (and a little worried)?

The most important question is: Are those glasses made with butter?

So I used to know a woman who had a Dolfie that she brought with her everywhere and referred to as her "daughter" because she could not have children. Kinda creepy, but none of my business. That being said, I do think they are kind of pretty (hella expensive, though). I also think it's amazing to see how some people

Wow, your penis is sad because my hair is short? How ever shall I make it through the day now! Oh woe is me!!!

I want to nom their little kitten bellies! And kiss their little kitten feet.

That red gown is perfection. Absolute perfection.

OMG Scottish fold kittens! Everything is instantly better in the world.

Oh, I do not doubt for a minute that the person who shot her was racist. But stand your ground laws are being used to make it "okay" for people to kill someone just for being on their property. Be it race or something else, these laws are being used as an excuse for murder. Perhaps it is an over generalization to say

It is so sad that she couldn't even ask for help, something that SHOULD be basic human decency, in safety. People try to use stand your ground laws to justify killing and aggression for anyone who dares step a foot on their property because they want an excuse to kill someone. She was black and he was a racist piece

This... has to be a troll, right? Like, no one is this stupid, right? RIGHT?! Because my brain hurts after reading that idiotic crap...

I get that sometimes babies can be not the cutest. Especially if they pass gas when they are having their picture taken, man do they make weird faces... But that's someone's child. Ripping them apart for their appearance makes you nothing but petty and pathetic.

Damn, this article made me hungry... Now I just want a plate of brie. And some gorgonzola. Maybe a nice aged cheddar. Why must I be stuck at work right now with so much delicious cheese out there to eat?!

I am so sorry! That is just shit. It is invalidating to have your hard work dismissed or assumed to be because of others. You have worked hard to get where you are and no one should be able to take credit for your achievements but you. I honestly hope things will improve and some day you won't have to deal with

That's really awful, and you shouldn't have to get accustomed to that kind of treatment. I'm genuinely curious, do you find that people just don't give you credit for things? Do they treat you like you're different or not part of the group? I have heard many women of color talk about this sort of thing and the closest

Where I live an older woman was arrested not too long ago for firing into a car of teenagers who had pulled in to her driveway in order to turn their car around. She didn't do it because of their race (they were white, not that it matters). She did it because they were teenagers and she felt that teenagers do nothing

Agreed, which is why I stopped wasting time reading or responding to them. They just aren't worth it and are only attempting make themselves feel internet important.

Well in my defense as far as cell phones go I have an old car and the cigarette lighter came out a year ago. I was able to put it back in but now nothing charges in my car anymore... But I have also have the same cell phone for nearly 10 years now.

Actually I just think some things go without saying and that I don't need to preface all of my statements with completely obvious information. Saying, "That's so fucked up! The world is so full of crazies that even I am afraid!" is completely different than saying "My fear and life experiences are equal to this other