But there sure are plenty of rapists out there. Which I also mentioned. But oh, I forgot. My being white totally invalidates any concern I have ever had for my safety at any point in time in my life.
But there sure are plenty of rapists out there. Which I also mentioned. But oh, I forgot. My being white totally invalidates any concern I have ever had for my safety at any point in time in my life.
No, I get that she was likely shot because the person who shot her was a racist douche. I merely am pointing out that there are tons of crazies and even I am afraid to knock on some rando's front door because I never know if they will axe murder me or not.
Well girls scouts are clearly up to some shady-ass shit with that cookie racket they have got going on. SOMEONE has to stop them.
See this is why I am terrified of ever needing to go to someone's door for help. Car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and my phone dies? I'm screwed. I'm white and I am terrified of crazy-ass people. Because you just don't know who will open that door when go to ask for help. Rapist? Maybe. Serial killer? Could…
Having naturally curly hair I can assure you that short hair is not for some people. My hair is this stubborn combination of fine and curly that frizzes massively when it is super short and I just end up looking like a tragic poodle.
It depends on where you live. I know coworkers who are Asian-American and have been harassed about their names before. But I also know a former coworker who was harassed for having an Irish last name (I didn't even know that racism against the Irish was still a thing!).
Can we start a counter-movement to the stereotyping names by openly mocking people who give creatively spelled names, please? I always feel so bad for the kids... Some recent "gems" I have seen people give their kids: Khrystile, Khrystiyan, Myhkhal, Rholex. I am not even making these up...
I would assume that it was done during the mehendi ceremony when henna was applied. Designs of varying intricacy are applied to the hands and feet of the bride during the mehendi ceremony.
I talked extensively with her about adoption as I have been looking in to adopting a child from India for several years. There is a cultural stigma around adoption in India. Most orphans go into orphanages until they are 18, then out into the world. While preference may be given to Indian couples for adoption, not…
Proving a man is a virgin is near impossible. But as a culture they expect men to be virgins on their wedding nights. It is something many men and women there take very seriously and there is a ton of pressure on both genders to do this. Even as children growing up it is culturally enforced by most parents not…
Neither is should marry according to tradition. I have no idea if society is more "understanding" of a man remarrying or not.
She told me that both the man and the woman had to be virgins on their wedding night. How you'd verify a man was, well that is another story. But culturally she said it was very important for both because the wedding night was something that was so sacred to them.
I have a dear friend (and former coworker) from India and she has always been very candid with me about topics like this. Until I met her I didn't know that adoption isn't a thing in India, even when a couple cannot conceive. I also didn't know that virginity for both the man and the woman was super crucial upon…
"Are they brewing in the bitterness because their protectors wanted, the ugly nappy headed, thick lipped, dirty, ignorant field wenches, over perfumed, well-read, well-mannered, meticulously bred proper pristine Christian white women?"
They also dislike us poors. I give off a "poor college student" vibe being that, despite working full time, I am a poor college student. I get major stink eye any time I go in places like that. And God forbid I touch anything or look at anything up close. They rush over in a panic glaring at me and saying in a nasty…
I gotta wonder how often a law like this is used, though. Being from MN I have family who does foster care and adopts and has several "drug babies". A few of them are related or are the second or third child born to a mom who consistently did drugs while pregnant. The county knew and did absolutely nothing until the…
I'm 28 and if I had gotten pregnant with my ex I would have gotten an abortion. I want to be a parent some day. But he wasn't a great guy. He was abusive (which is why the relationship eventually ended when he became physically abusive), and I knew he would make a terrible parent. I also didn't want to be tied to him…
My guess is they will just try again. The public will have cooled down by then and moved on to the next debacle of the week. So they will push their luck again. They never learn from their mistakes so they will always repeat them. And blame someone else when it backfires.
I went to hear Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel speak once. The man is amazing. Someone in the audience asked a question about this (comparing abortion to the Holocaust) and Elie Wiesel was offended. He came right out and said that nothing, absolutely NOTHING is like the Holocaust. The terrible things that happened…
Indeed I have! I f you ever get a chance to watch videos of them training the Hero Rats you totes should. Those little harnesses are too cute!