
I now have a mental image of a clit with shark teeth. It is kind of amazing.

I have been a sponsor for Hero Rats and Apopo for a few years now. Great to see them get a plug as they do vital work. Plus, rats are awesome!

Sorry, but if a woman can't cum it is do to the lack of skill on her partner's fault... I'm just being honest!

In the words of the ever eloquent Liz Lemon: They can eat my poo!

That was... GLORIOUS! Not that the GOP will ever realize or admit what douchenozzles they are being, but it's amazing to see others publicly call them out on it (especially when, as shown, most news outlets are blaming both sides equally on this).

That guy's whole summary was that women are stupid, shallow, sluts who have no morals and will let any alpha male plow them no matter what atrocities he has committed. Someone clearly has mommy issues (or bad-es issues)... It was so stupid to read it actually hurt.

Of course you're supposed to take a vow of chastity! You can't besmirch the honorable name of Pizza Hut with your whorish ways!

"and- all those senior citizen aged fools and military base dependents will find out soon enough how strong their principles are when the checks don't arrive in the bank account"

I'm descended from clan Leslie. We have a pretty sweet crest. I will probably get a tattoo of it some day.

I don't know about that. I was forced to eat a lot of things as a child that I thought was gross. It builds character and teaches kids they can't always get what they want and that sometimes they just have to suck it up and deal with it. Kind of like almost everything that happens as an adult. It gets kids used to the

My experience with picky eaters has actually been people who just want to eat favorites and whine about everything else. My ex and his younger brother were this way. The younger brother only ate chips, pop, pizza, chicken nuggets and corn dogs. He insisted his mother make him entirely separate meals every day so he

That was my ex. And he always whined about, too, like he was a spoiled little kid. He had a massive weight problem because all he wanted to eat was junk food and meat. And then he'd actually whine to me about how "hard" everything was because he couldn't lose weight and vegetable were gross and he didn't want to eat

But if I don't like rap music, what else am I supposed to say? Also, does my not liking country music mean I dislike hill folk? Inquiring minds want to know! I would hate to express my taste in music but have it somehow be code for something entirely else that I was unaware of. Usually when I express my dislike for

Dude's not even a 3 (maybe a two in bad lighting?) but expects a 10. And he's a racist, misogynist. Good luck with that, buddy!

Well since he is so keen on insulting women, I gotta say... If you are gonna have standards like that you better be ridiculously good looking (even then it's a total joke). But the guy is just... gross. He's not in shape (but expects a skinny woman), and looks like he spends no time or puts any effort into his

Ooh, I'll make cookies!

Well that's just so enjoyable to listen to that it's indecent...

Welp, I'm not getting sleep any time soon. This has started a need to watch mass amounts of videos featuring sexy men reading poetry... David Tennant, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston... I keep finding more to add to the list. I may have a problem.

I imagine that it must be even worse for a man whose significant other asks him to purchase feminine products for them. I say this because when I was 16 I worked as a cashier at Walgreens. One day a gentleman came through my line purchasing tampons and I remarked to him that it was good to see that not all men were

LOL When I was 13 I was staying at my grandparents and my period came a week early. My grandma just looked at me, disgusted, and handed me a towel and told me to use that... I pray to God it never comes to that again.