
Well, I obviously cannot speak for everyone. However, of the women I know it seems like they either have not heard of Diva cup, or had really bad experiences with it or things like it. Some women, I am sure, have great experiences with reusable products. I, however, tend to bleed pretty heavy and one of the people I

Everyone is a lawyer on the internet. Or a model. Or somehow linked to this famous person or that. Or ridiculously wealthy. Are you also a Nigerian prince who will give me $1,000,000 if I send you $1,000 to help you out? Just wondering.

According to NJ lawyer David J. Bruno... "New Jersey’s Rape Shield Law is codified in New Jersey Statute 2C:14-7 and protects a victim’s prior sexual conduct unless a Judge rules that victim’s prior sexual conduct is relevant and highly material and meets the requirements of subsections c. and d. of 2C:14-7 and that

Yes and no. They can ask questions deemed relevant. Some judges will allow questioning along these lines, but there have been some who won't. It also depends on the individual states' rape shield laws as to what exactly can be asked during questioning or admitted into evidence in regards to a sexual history, etc. Some

LOL Yeah wearing underwear isn't relevant. I have been told some people never wear underwear at all for various reasons. That doesn't mean they are asking to be raped or consent to be raped. If she had consensual sex at an0ther time, also not truly relevant other than to try to slut shame. So no, not relevant at all.

Well this certainly does explain a lot for me, though. The lawyer my ex hired after he was arrested for beating me is a former military lawyer. He also has a terrible reputation among DA's and victim's advocacy groups around here for being a total slimy scumbag. While a defense attorney may victim blame or be skeevy,

Just... what the ever-living fuck?! Seriously? So it is not allowed to ask such things in regular court, but they can and will use those tactics in military court. Wow, stay classy, guys! Stay classy!

Yes, I think he's a pretty good guy. He stands by his principles, and genuinely seems to care about others and want to help them. He did a lot of work helping the poor and sick in his community back when he was a priest, and he seems to feel the church should embrace that way of thinking and "working".

The Catholic church will never say abortion is always cool, or gays can get married five times, or birth control should be put inside of pinatas at teenage girls' birthday parties. Those things are pretty against core beliefs of the faith. But this man is doing something amazing. He has broken the mold of his

This... gives me so many feels... I was forced to go to Catholic school growing up (had a super strict old school Roman Catholic grandma who would hear no arguments from anyone on a member of her family going to public school). The mentality of everyone there, both children and adults, was all about looking down on

See, I am guessing it was potentially referencing the upcoming events in Forever Evil, given how the events in that have gone for Nightwing so far. Especially since he said "Oops, shouldn't have said that" in reference to the RIP Dick Grayson comment which would imply that the event in question has yet to take place.

Yeah, and see I have been a huge DC fan since I was a small child and have actively defended them before. But at this point it has been one thing after another after another with them where they just blatantly crap on their readers. I'm just so sick of it. I am a huge fan of the new Aquaman, and have always love

"That’s very important and something we reinforced. People in the Bat family their personal lives basically suck. Dick Grayson, rest in peace—oops shouldn’t have said that,—Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon and Kathy Kane. It’s wonderful that they try to establish personal lives, but it’s equally important that

As a fellow ginger, you have my sympathies. I wholeheartedly understand. Just about every face wash, foundation, etc causes either black heads or super awful deep pimples that get huge and painful. I hate being almost albino.

Ah yes, because imprisoning people is okay when it's women chained up in his basement. Just not when he's the one locked up in a little room with no foreseeable hope of freedom. Totally saw this coming, people like him are always cowards.

Yes, and the more you try to style it and make it work as something other than the 4 basic options of down, ponytail, braid, or twist the frizzier and worse it gets. Until it becomes tempting to cut it all off. But I did that once, too. It was not pretty...

Ugh! I have the absolute WORST naturally curly hair. I have spent my life trying every and any product I can get my hands on to tame my frizz and help my curls look less like a total disaster. They are much better now (though they have their days and I still can't do much with them because they are stubborn), but as a

That is very good advice! I will have to make sure to follow it.

Aw, you are such a sweetheart! Thanks.

Hm, your comment history shows you have only commented on my post. I'm quite flattered! Aside from that I am just wondering where you are getting your super crazy ideas? When did I ever say I expected a model? I more than once stated in my post and replies in having interest in men of a variety of body types many of