
Hm, nope didn't say I want someone to motivate me. I said it would still be possible for it to be a shared interest. Not even close to being the same thing as expecting someone else to motivate me which shows you aren't really paying attention. As for doing it myself, if you'd paid any attention you would have noticed

LOL You fail so hard at trolling and at paying attention to what people actually say. Try harder next time.

I applaud your faith in people's lack of assholery, though I sense you are trying to imply some misguided thing about self esteem and my letting my own personal feelings about my weight or about men color my views of what has been said. Forgive me if I am assuming incorrectly, as I do try to make a habit of not

LOL You are awesome. And agreed on how other people got pretty rabid pretty quickly. Waaaaay too many straw man arguments or blatantly twisting things or making things up and claiming that to be what I think/feel/or my motivation. I keep thinking of Anchorman. "Well that escalated quickly..."

"You say you don't want an Adonis athlete, using an extreme example, but come on, you most likely want a handsome, fit guy who is supposed to see past your weight to you inside, but you're not willing to lead a fit lifestyle yourself because of your issues and your past."

Okay, your last paragraph is extremely poorly worded and makes little to no sense, but that aside you clearly are focusing on one thing because you super duper want to make a point and cannot see the things that contradict it. Such as when I mentioned both in the original post and in more than one of my replies that I

Oh my thank you for telling me how to live my life! It would be so much more effective if you had read what I said instead of glossing over it. You aren't really qualified to tell me what I do or do not deserve, and frankly I don't really care since you couldn't be bothered to actually read what I said. I also

That is very nice to hear! I do have a friend who is happily married (to a pretty slender/skinny guy, too) and happily plus sized. But boy does meeting a lot of shallow douchebags make one feel disheartened. I would be okay with them being not interested if they were polite about it, granted I may be disappointed but

So true, but we really should stop feeding the trolls. If you read any other comments they have posted on other articles it is quite apparent that is all they are. No need to give them any credit or concern, as nothing they have to say is anything of consequence.

As the OP I should say that you should go back and read what I said more carefully because clearly your reading comprehension is lacking. I never said I was seeking out people who valued active lifestyles, but rather that I had found men who value thin women. If you'd paid attention to what I had written you would

I never once said I was requiring my partner to help me attain weight loss of any kind. Rather that, if a healthy lifestyle was important to them it would be possible to share it if they could look past my current weight. You are making far too many assumptions or just not reading. I am not actively seeking out any

It's okay. If you see the types of comments they leave on other articles it is apparent they are a troll, so no need to take anything they say seriously. Though if you want a good laugh at failed trolling you can feel free to go through some of their past replies...

I'd love to join a gym, but due to the just getting out of an abusive relationship situation I have no money to spare. I also work 40 plus hours a week and go to school full time so I'm not someone who has too much free time to begin with, and what free time I have isn't time that any kind of free fitness groups near

There is far more to being desirable than weight, however. I never once said I was going after men who are Olympic athletes, did I? Nope, I did not. There are plenty of men I find attractive that are average, or have a few extra pounds themselves. It is sad, however, that they are quite shallow. The men I was

Welp, this is the most depressing thing I have read today... I just got out of a physically and emotionally abusive relationship and am starting to look at dating again. It's hard enough because my ex developed a major weight issue and would blow our food budget on unhealthy foods, insult me for trying to be healthy,

So what you're telling me is no one is going to date me because they actually like me and want a future with me... Unless I develop an eating disorder. Awesome! As if dating again after an abusive relationship wasn't scary enough, now I am going to be constantly wondering when I am going to get ditched for a hotter,

Then clearly you have never had a pet rat, because they do all of those things. They are extremely intelligent, social, friendly and affectionate. Though I will concede that wild rats are probably a lot less cuddly and a lot more parasite covered...

I like Ben Affleck as an actor for the most part. He has been in several movies I have enjoyed and done a good job in them. I am sure he is probably going to be competent as Batman. I just... can't get how God awful the movie Daredevil was out of my head... *shudder*

To shed a little light on the insane logic of an abuser, my ex confessed to the cops everything he did to me the night he was arrested (or rather everything he did that night such as choke me, throw me to the ground and try to break my arm). He admitted to the cops that he "took it too far". But after that, he began

Aaaaaaaaand I was just about to go to sleep when I saw this. Now I think I will just stay awake forever instead of sleeping on a bed that is situated right below an air vent...