
My abusive ex was the child of an extremely indulgent mother. His parents divorced when he was three and his mom took the kids and moved in with her parents, and never moved out. Her parents resented this and were verbally abusive to the children, so she overcompensated by being the most indulgent parent possible. It

I had recently watched part of a documentary on gender, gender identity, gender roles, etc. There was a part in which female to male transgendered individuals talked about their experiences and how they would try to "pass". It was very painful to listen to, because they talked about how once they passed for men they

I was the absolute worst person to watch this with... I love terrible movies, but seeing as the actual sharknado didn't show up until almost the last half hour of the movie I was kinda pissed at the misleading title (don't get my bad movie hopes up and then trash them, Syfy!). Meanwhile everyone else was just like,

I see two potential explanations for this based on my personal experiences with domestic abuse. Either he was beating the crap out of her and she tried to defend herself and get away and he is claiming that is somehow her attacking him, or he is just making the whole thing up. I've experienced both, so I could see it

As a white girl who has spent all her life fighting with her unruly curls I am madly in love with the hair of women of color that is textured and styled in ways I can only dream. I confess, I was at the mall yesterday and there was a young black saleswoman who had curly hair styled in an afro. And it was a perfectly

Dude, I both want to watch this and know I should not. As someone who has been extremely passionate about marine conservation since early childhood I just can't with movies like this. I was a blubbering baby after watching Sharkwater (amazing film,btw) and felt so depressed and sick to my stomach. People suck so much

My ex would hurt me and then threaten to kill himself if I left (among so many other things). And he would say, over and over, that what we had was normal. And that it didn't matter how unhappy I was because I just needed to suck it up and tough it out because he believed that it didn't matter how much pain and

I can't help but notice that comments are closed on her article, too.

I have been an avid (okay, obsessed) comic reader for many years. We need a lot of things in comics. The following is just a short list from the top of my head:

I would just like to point out I had the WORST luck getting fitted once. The woman was rude, and when she measured me and told me the band size I was wearing was too big I told her the size she insisted I try on was very uncomfortable. She sneered at me and told me I just needed to get used to how a proper fitting bra

My heart goes out to his victims. After what my ex did to me, I prayed I wouldn't have to go through a trial. And every pretrial hearing that comes and goes, and every day that goes by that brings me closer to the judge setting a date for an actual jury trial I just.. I feel sick. I get migraines from the stress,

Here's the thing about pleading "not guilty": everyone (almost) does it no matter how overwhelming the evidence because they want to get lesser charges or think they cannot be convicted.

I am looking in to a few options I may possibly have (people I know who might have space available). It's just... So many things happening at once. I didn't think I mentioned this in my original post, but we were supposed to be getting married on June 22nd. So yeah, less than a month before the big day. Which has

Wow, this is really hitting close to home... Just a few days ago my now ex-fiance decided it would be a good idea to try to break my arm and then choke me when I tried to get him off. He then threw me to the ground by my neck and held me there until I threatened to scream and call the police (which I did as soon as

I have a friend from India who had an arranged marriage. Apparently a lot of people (in urban areas, anyway) use a big government database that matches you up based on things like education and economic background and then once a list of matches is given you go from there by getting the families approval and what not.

News flash: As always it will be up to the individual doctor's discretion when diagnosing. Does anyone actually think people suffering from grief didn't get labeled as having major depressive disorder, disthymia, or something similar with the DSM-IV? All the DSM does is list traits of disorders, and it states a

Every time I watch Mad Men and see Joan I wish I was her. She has the most amazing style and everything looks good on her. Oh, to dream...

Well, she is supposed to be an amazon like Greek mythology amazons. She is supposed to be the daughter of the queen of the amazons, actually. And before there was often the storyline about how she's now living in the big city trying to be all "modern business woman" (this was especially true, and especially awful

Wonder Woman is one of the few DC characters that has gained significantly from the reboot/New 52. Before she kind of always sucked in some way. Her lasso was lame and often used against her (more than once with some BDSM imagry to boot). She was strong and tough, yeah, but Black Canary had all that and was way cooler

Wow, I'm white and I find this horribly offensive and in poor taste. I can only imagine how an asian-american or native american would feel seeing this. I mean who, in this day and age, thought making an app like this was a good idea? Were they 12?