OneHandedSquire thinks the post office is good

“Hurry so we can obscenely overcharge your family for funeral expenses.”

He was the definition of useful idiot. In that he didn’t go off on tangents like Dump, or come across as too dumb to live like Bush. He was charismatic, smiling, mellow, and a total sociopath.


My coverage was already not great. This year they upped my premiums and co-pays for the not great coverage.

But you should’ve seen the dress shirt. The material and stitching were immaculate. The embroidery is hand stitched with the monogram of your design. The cuff folds do nothing but accentuate the cuff-links and the watch of your choice. Death is a better option than not being able to afford this dress shirt.

It’s funny how people THINK they have health insurance, until they or their loved one actually gets sick. I’m no talking acute, I’m talking chronic, life changing sick. Give birth to a kid with medical problems, get cancer, have an organ fail, you’ll quickly learn how little insurance you actually have.

No, you were right too. Put in any year. It has always been the position of the Republican party that if you can’t afford medical care, you should just die.

Well, the Republicans certainly put to rest any question about which party is the official party of “kill grandma”, haven’t they?  More than 8 in 10 COVID-19 deaths have been those aged 65 and over.

I think that was also one argument in 2010, though.

I think you meant unemployment, but I get you.  If we had single payer healthcare, companies would actually have to treat people like people.

Media needs to do its job and follow him round every corner until he answers. 

Republican platform 2016: Obamacare bad; must repeal and put in better plan.

“You damn people always looking for a handout! Stop wasting your damn money on frivolous crap like food and housing! Hell, maybe you shouldn’t have gotten cancer if you couldn’t afford it!”

Wow, it’s almost like having a system where your ability to receive adequate care being tied completely to your employment in a pandemic where employment skyrocketed is not a great idea.  The fact that these soulless ghouls can not take in any new information that shifts their worldview as people suffer and die is so

The Republican health plan: Hurry up and Die.

Interesting how Tillis’s office didn’t bother explaining how someone who can’t afford health insurance is supposed to get it.

The real reason Republicans were up in arms about Obamacare Death Panels (TM) is because they’re pissed they’re not running real death panels where they can send people they don’t like to their deaths.

Republicans: “Think of the economy!!”

No news here, the Republican health care plan has always been, If you get sick, die quick.

“You said the quiet part loud, fucko, and you did it while being recorded. You’ve done the worst thing you could possibly do; you confirmed what the left says about us is true! Grab your shit and get out of here.”