OneHandedSquire thinks the post office is good

An early draft of Eisenhower’s speech had him calling it the ‘military-industrial-congressional complex.’ He dropped one word. Eisenhower’s speech may partly have been as motivated by concerns about Kennedy’s assumption of the Presidency as one made out of the firmest conviction that the complex had an momentum of its

I keep hoping every time he says "self funded" there's a sign language interpreter behind him making a jackoff motion.

There are lots of depressing parts, really — but one of them is that by design, a competent person who saw the MIC for what it was would never be allowed within twenty square miles of the presidency.

Late in the day it was announced that our fucking tax dollars will likely be used to defend Trump against E. Jean Carroll as the Justice Dept is seeking to take over the case.

The depressing part is these people will keep occupying toops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, wherever, forever, rather than leave because somehow, that way, if we do, Russia or China or Iran (delete as appropriate) ‘wins.’ As you said, stopped clock. Imagine a competent President intentionally making the same

I know, right?  Pretty sure that money from the campaign is flowing into his pockets, not the other way around.

Only 244?

Of course he doesn’t actually believe any of what he’s saying, and has very recently made a huge show of pumping more money into the very apparatus whose existence he’s now decrying, so for the record uhhhh yeah still fuck him.

That’s tankie talk, comrade. What are you, some kind of tovarisch? I bet you say nyet all the time when you think no one’s around, don’t you, russky.

Exactly. The guy who bragged about expanding DoD funding is complaining about the money he wanted to give DoD. I work as defense contractor and there is a reason why I have a job, currently, and that is because it is being requested by the DoD for the service the program I work on requires. That need goes away, I go

IF Trump writes a check, it will be in the form of a loan to his own campaign and will charge it interest.  John Oliver did a segment on this common ploy way back in 2016.

  • Alleged Trump stooge Louis Dejoy is being investigated for his alleged stoogery. [Washington Post]

It reminds me of the old Simpsons episode where Homer buys a hand gun and the proceeds to use it for everyday things like opening a can of beer or trying to change the channel on the tv.

Does Ted Cruz not know that Princess Bride was directed by Rob Reiner? 

In other police shooting news, the Salt Lake City Police shot an unarmed 13 year old boy with Asperger’s syndrome, after his mother called for a crisis intervention team. 

The guy who has been bragging about throwing money at the military during his administration now is criticizing the military for spending money. Also does he no long love all those great American companies who build all the fantastic equipment for the military he loves (when it’s convenient)? Don’t get me wrong. I’d

Speaking, once again, of Donald Trump, the president is also going around accusing military leaders of being war profiteers, which would get him kicked out of Thanksgiving with most of his voter base but is somehow fine when the commander-in-chief of the armed forces yells it.

Another reason the campaign is going broke is because it’s one “large criminal enterprise to line the pockets of former staffers, friends, and supporters:

Now, I am as liberal a person as you are like to find in this country (Bernie Sanders is a moderate Republican sort of leftist) and love a good Trump bash as much as the next person. But in his comments about the military, I cannot exactly find the lie. Given the pipeline between the upper brass in the Military and