OneHandedSquire thinks the post office is good

The bigger danger, I think is after the election. Win or lose, neither of them are going to give a shit about appearances anymore.

Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski has indicated that she will honor Justice Ginsburg’s wishes.  If a few other senators would be decent enough to go along with her, then Fuckface McConnell won’t be able to get his nominee through.

I’m hoping this could be what drives Susan Collins (ME) to vote with the Democrats from the start, and might keep Cory Gardner (CO) on the fence until at least the election.

Trump has broken the law long before he ever took office. Since he has been president, he had suffered no major consequences.

Fuck is right. There’s no way McConnell is going to honor her wishes.

There aren't. 6-3 Roe v. Wade is overturned 

Republicans didn’t take the Senate until January 2015. She had 6 fucking years to retire under Obama and chose not to.

On the other hand, they should be pissed off if we win the Senate back and don’t add two more seats to the court.

Question is Trump may want to hold off naming someone and use the vacant seat as an election issue to drive cons to the polls. However I’m sure if he lost they’d still seat someone before 1/21/21.

Fuck indeed, now imagine what's going to happen if the election results have to go to the Supreme Court for a decision like 2000. FUCK!

Yes. Please 2020,  just stop. I can't take it anymore.

Unfortunately, we won’t get any help from my state, North Carolina. Burr isn’t going to run for re-election, and I doubt he’d take any sort of moral stand even if he was. Tillis is a craven goober and he’s losing handily already, so this won’t move the needle for him. If he toes the party line, he can look forward to

My daughter contacted me SOBBING. I didn’t see anything on CNN, WaPo, nowhere. At that point only two outlets showed up in my google search that mentioned her passing: the Times and Mother Jones. I am so fucking heartbroken and came here for some sisterhood. 2020 is absolute bullshit.


Can’t wait for all the people who have no idea how the US government works get all pissy that the Democrats “aren’t” going to stop the republicans from ramming some ideologue through confirmation.

we are so fucked

We have entered worst-case scenario.

She should have retired during Obama’s second administration. That entire administration has effectively been erased at this point.

Rest in power, Justice.  I’m only here to cry.  

Goddammit.  Remember, when somebody facetiously asks if this year could get any worse, remind them the answer to that question is an unqualified yes.  RIP, Justice, nobody fought harder and earned that rest more than you.