I’ve been hearing about them for years, some people like using (safe enough for the kitchen table) salt versus (the gas can kill you) chlorine. There are pros and cons for both, with salt water being cheaper to use on a monthly basis.
I’ve been hearing about them for years, some people like using (safe enough for the kitchen table) salt versus (the gas can kill you) chlorine. There are pros and cons for both, with salt water being cheaper to use on a monthly basis.
Joe Biden met with the family of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin Thursday.
I’m the last person to accuse Donald of being smart, but even a low IQ Trump support can recognize that Bill Barr is holding back a wave of charges - and the protection ends with job termination.
when he dies, i will literally buy my first american flag and put it on the flag pole we inexplicably have in our front yard that i’ve been too lazy to take down.
if it was a set up, she gave them everything they wanted. she should have known better.
honestly, i dont give a fuck about 9/11 anymore. covid’s killed far more people.
You’re either a winner or a loser in Trump’s mind, and he’s a winner! That’s why his covid-19 plan seems to make no sense to anyone with half a brain, but to him it makes total sense, because only losers die of covid-19 (or in combat).
The moon Isn’t high enough for me.
My sister has a good friend who’s only deliberate contact with the news comes in short snippets each morning when she turns on the radio (old school) to find out if Donny died overnight. I think Brian Williams could tell you exactly how many days of dissapointment that equals.
I am certain that the same flag humping, respect da troops and what about Bengahzi collection of assholes that had all kinds of smoke for insert name, Colin Kaepernick, Hillary Clinton, NBA players and others will be coming for Lord Stretch Marks any minute now> I mean anyone that thinks this vile fucker didn’t say…
Methinks the lady doth protest too strongly.
As long as he makes them feel it’s ok to be racist/sexist/bigoted, they don’t care about anything else.
His strength is that his base is a pack of ignorant racist homophobic jingoistic idiots who only here the words out of his mouth they want to hear. As long as he still hates brown and black people they are gonna vote for him
Real heroes don’t get killed in action! Real heroes lie about having bone spurs to avoid the action entirely!
Excuse me!
I’ll NEVER forgive Obama for the time he ordered fancy mustard!!!! *CLENCHES FISTS IN RAGE!*
I Guess We’re All Supposed to Pretend We Believe Him
I 100% believe he’s said this. On multiple occasions. He only acts like he gives half a shit because it appeals to the armchair patriots out there.