It’s fair. Supporting Trump has long since ceased to be a political question and more of a moral one.
It’s fair. Supporting Trump has long since ceased to be a political question and more of a moral one.
I’ve been involved tangentially in a similar-ish situation recently. Well, not that similar but in the same neighbourhood I guess. I’m wondering what everyone’s thoughts are on this. Bit of a long story, But if anyone can bear with it I’d love to hear people’s thoughts.
Perhaps, but that would suggest a richer inner life, and a greater capacity for self-reflection than he seems to possess. I think it might really be as simple as it appears on the surface - he looks at everything from the perspective of how it can benefit him, and he truly doesn’t understand the concepts of altruism…
There seem to be a lot of chickenhawks that vociferously support Trump, don’t there? Perhaps they see something in his bullying, boastful behaviour that they recognise in themselves.
What’s all of this even for anymore? I know it puts every bit of his awfulness on the record, and I guess that’s worth it, but honestly, are people looking for that one republican who can still be convinced?
It just occurred to me that if something like that actually happened, his base would get riled up over conspiracy theories about an assassination attempt...
We don’t need a martyr.
Hmmm. Bone spurs think people who couldn’t fake their way out of service, or are like many young people without means trying to better themselves while serving their country, or who are 100% committed to service above all else, or want to get an education without so much crippling debt, or any other reason than being…
With the crazy shit he’s been spouting lately, I’m hoping it’s a sign of an aneurysm getting ready to burst.
When those on the right whine about this article being based on anonymous sources, keep in mind that Trump is NOTORIOUSLY vindictive, and anyone who dared speak against him would wind up with their career a smoking ruin, just like LTC Alexander Vindman.
Wow, I thought this level of contempt was reserved for people who kneel during the anthem - you know, for disrespecting the troops.
Fortunately, veterans like myself and current service members picked up on this character trait relatively early and Donald Trump is not popular with the military. Unfortunately our patriotic conservative family members have decided we suck for not actually loving (Trump) America and accuse us of being naive idiots…
Fuck Trump and everyone who voted for him; reason #639,584 I hope he just falls over and dies.
When it comes to disrespecting the troops, the problem with - or maybe the secret “plot armor” of - Trump is that he’s always so personal.
In so much as Trump has any belief system, I believe he measures the worth of things by the amount of inconvenience they cause him (and whether it makes him money, whether it looks like Ivanka, etc.)
Perjury is nearly impossible to prove when all the answers are “I don’t know” or “I can’t remember.”
Until evictions start impacting Trump supporters, it’s not going to change votes.
Let’s think of all the fun things that could happen if Trump stays in office, shall we? [Washington Post]
It’s always good to remember that Barr pretty much fucking asked for this job. He really should have seen the wave of stupidity he was going to get caught in from miles away.